Showing posts with label Selfcare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Selfcare. Show all posts

Friday 31 May 2024

Top Bathing Accessories for a Self Care Night

Many of us are working more than one job, we have children, we’re holding down the family home, we’re trying to socialise, we’re trying to stay fit, we’re trying to work on ourselves. It can all seem a bit much right? Which one do you feed more than others? How do you prioritise all of them?
Top Bathing Accessories for a Self Care Night
image credit

What did we miss off that list? Self care. With being so busy and hectic all the time, we often overlook the importance of checking in with ourselves and making sure other specific needs are being met. An indulgent self care bath routine with the very best bathing accessories can act as a reset, resulting in us feeling more energised and de-bloody-stressed.

Why Do We Need Self Care Nights?

Selfcare, many moons ago, got a bit of a bad rep for being a guilty pleasure, it was seen as self indulgent. However, we’re pleased to report this is a thing of the past! Self-care is actually a very important part of living a healthy, happy lifestyle. Looking after yourself both mentally and physically is crucial to functioning at your best.

Self care doesn’t have to involve a huge time commitment, if this is something that was holding you back. Take a bath routine for example, no more than 1 hour, a few candles, some music or a show, maybe a drink, and your favourite bathing accessories. You’ve got yourself the ultimate reset there!

Bathing accessories can be used time and time again, they are an investment in yourself. Some self care activities will come at a bit of an expense, however, purchasing, for instance a luxurious bath sponge, will see it serving you for years.

Bathing Accessories To Add To Your Routine
Bathing accessories can aid your skincare routine, provide massaging qualities, act as a relaxant, actually the possibilities are endless. Boost your self-care routine with these bath accessories that will help relax and de-stress you with every bath time!

Bath Sponge
A bath sponge is a great bathing accessory because it helps exfoliate the skin, removes dead skin cells, and improves circulation. It produces a rich lather, enhances the distribution of soap, and reaches difficult areas for a thorough clean. Additionally, bath sponges can provide a soothing, massaging effect, making the bathing experience more relaxing and enjoyable.

Bath Pouf
A bath pouf is a great bathing accessory because it effectively exfoliates the skin, removing dead skin cells and leaving the skin smooth and refreshed. It produces a rich lather with a small amount of soap or body wash, ensuring even distribution and a thorough clean. Bath poufs are also gentle on the skin, making them suitable for all skin types, and their soft texture provides a pleasant, massaging effect during use, enhancing the overall bathing experience.

Exfoliating Gloves
Exfoliating gloves are excellent bathing accessories because they provide effective exfoliation, removing dead skin cells and promoting smoother, healthier skin. They enhance blood circulation through gentle scrubbing, which can leave the skin looking more radiant. These gloves are easy to use, fit snugly on the hands, and allow for precise control, ensuring thorough cleaning of all body areas. Additionally, they can help improve the absorption of skincare products applied after bathing, making your skincare routine more effective.

A loofah is a great bathing accessory because it offers excellent exfoliation, helping to remove dead skin cells and leaving the skin smooth and revitalised. It creates a rich lather with a small amount of soap or body wash, ensuring an efficient and enjoyable cleansing experience. The natural texture of a loofah provides gentle scrubbing, which can improve blood circulation and promote healthier-looking skin. Additionally, loofahs can reach difficult areas, ensuring a thorough clean, and are environmentally friendly when made from natural fibres.

Self Care Tips To Make The Most of Your Bathing Accessories and Time

Designate a special place for your bathing accessories, maybe keep them on a self purely dedicated to you, or fill a drawer with separators and label them by use.

Create a bathing accessories inventory, you will constantly see new products you wish to purchase, keep a log of the ones that are maybe past their best and look to replace them ahead of your next self care night.

Make your bath time a non negotiable, whether you live on your own, with a partner, maybe your parents, ensure this is a time you are able to solely prioritise you and your bathing accessories.

If you want to invest in any of the bathing accessories mentioned above or explore even more, head over to Soinvogue. With their list of essential bath accessories, you’re well on your way of instilling the value of self-care in even the smallest and simplest of acts.

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Wednesday 20 January 2021

Can You Make Yourself Feel Beautiful All Year Round?

Looking beautiful and feeling beautiful are two entirely separate things. You can look beautiful and not feel it, which is a super common occurrence in today's society. We live in a society that makes you feel like you’re not pretty if you look different from what is ‘normal’, but that is simply not true. In this article, we’re going to be looking at some of the things that you can do to make yourself feel more beautiful all year round. Keep reading down below if you would like to find out more.

Image Source - CC0 Licence

Your Face
The first thing that you’re going to need to think about is your face. You are beautiful, and before we carry on we feel as though that is an important fact to point out. No matter what you look like, there is nothing wrong with how you look. But, if you feel as though this is something that you would like to change or enhance, there are plenty of products to help you do so. The cosmetics industry is full of things that will enhance your natural beauty and make you feel fantastic.

You should also make sure that you are moisturizing your skin at least once per day. If you want to keep your skin in good condition, and you do if you’re worried about looking beautiful all year round, then this is going to be essential.

Your Outfits
The next thing that you should think about are the outfits that you wear. In the summer, shorter clothes are going to be your best option to keep you cool, but in winter you’re going to need to wrap up warm. You might think that it’s only with the more revealing clothing that you can feel beautiful, but this is simply not the case. There are so many different combinations of clothes and styles that work fantastically to make you look fabulous. Remember that you don’t have to fit in with the trends if you don’t want to, as long as you feel comfortable and beautiful in whatever you decide to wear.

Your Hair
People change their hair all the time. From the length to the color, there is always something different that you can do. If you want to feel beautiful, then we recommend trying a new hairstyle. If you don’t know which way to go with this, then you can always ask the hairdresser what they think and go with that. Your hair can completely change the way that you look, so think carefully before you make this decision. While it can be changed if it’s color and it will grow back, it takes a while!

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you can do to make yourself feel beautiful all year round. It’s important that you feel good no matter what time of year it is, so take this advice and that might just happen. We wish you the best of luck achieving this goal!

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Thursday 30 May 2019

REN Clean Skincare - Atlantic Kelp and Magnesium Anti-Fatigue Body Cream

REN Clean Skincare is one of those brands I just absolutely love, nothing has, to date disappointed me and I am always excited by their journey. Over the past few months, REN has made an incredible decision to ensure their products are Zero Waste. For this, it means all of their packaging is going through a re-branding to ensure it is as clean as it can possibly be and they aim is to be zero waste by 2021, what this means is 100% recyclable packaging, refillable solutions, bottles with reclaimed ocean plastic and they are on a mission to help clean up our beaches and oceans worldwide.
REN Clean Skincare re-packaged Atlantic Kelp and Magenisum Anti-Fatigue Body Cram
One of my favourite ranges from REN is the Atlantic Kelp and Magnesium range which has featured on my blog here and here. The latest product from the range to be re-packaged is the Anti-Fatigue Body Cream and its bottle has been made from 20% plastic which has been reclaimed from the ocean and 80% plastic which has been recycled from empty plastic bottles.
The Atlantic Kelp and Magnesium range is quite extensive with a body wash, body scrub, body oil, hand lotion, body spray and the incredible booster bath salts.   The body cream is described as being an easily absorbed body cream formulated with Atlantic Kelp Extract to help nourish, smooth and tone by replenishing skin with moisture and essential minerals. Those essential minerals include:

  • Atlantic Kelp Extract - Rich in sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, it is said to be excellent at hosting water-binding abilities which help to hydrate the skin and form a protective moisturising barrier on the surface of the skin.
  • Magnesium PCA - This mineral helps to boost energy levels of skin cells which contribute to its anti-fatigue abilities.  I was sceptical about these claims until I tried the products over a number of months and I was surprised at just how well they work.  I have detailed below just how I use the products.  Magnesium PCA also hosts anti-inflammatory properties and helps to soothe irritated skin.
  • Plankton Extract - This ingredient helps to block stress signals which can cause DNA damage. It also helps with thinning skin, prevents dryness and helps to reduce scaliness too.
  • Shea Butter and Algae extract - Helps to protect the skin against free radicals and helps with hydration.
  • REN's Anti-Fatigue Essential Oil Blend - Using a blend of aromatherapy oils which include sage, rosemary, geranium and cypress they are chosen because of their de-stressing properties on both the mind and the body.

As I said above, I was sceptical about the claims of magnesium and decided to try the products out to see just how true it was.  I make no secret of the fact that I work full-time, am a wife, blog as a hobby, love to read and have a house to keep and I often need a few more hours in a day to get done what I need to get done.  The past few months have been particularly hard, I'm still struggling with my ankle due to torn ligaments and tendon damage, so the chance to put these products to the test is a good one for me.
REN Clean Skincare Atlantic Kelp and Magnesium Collection
I love to have a hot bath, for me, it is one of the best and easiest ways I know to relax, wind down and forget about life for an hour or two.  So, in the bath, I put the Atlantic Kelp and Magnesium Booster Bath Salts (full review here). Once the bath has a few inches of water run, grab a handful of the flakes and scatter them across the water to work their magic. Then whilst that water is still running, I grab the Atlantic Kelp and Magnesium Salt scrub which has a balm-like texture, apply it directly on to the skin before getting into the bath and allow to soak off in the bath, allowing for at least 20 to 30 minutes to help soak the tension away, you can also do this for the shower if you prefer.  Together these products make such a relaxing and calming experience that I am totally sold on the claims. I have lost count of the number of times ive got into my bath feeling stressed only to get out and feel much calmer and relaxed.  If bath salts are not a product you enjoy using, then you could always use the Bath Oil in its place, I have mini versions I take on holiday with me and always a spare bottle in my stash for when I need it.

Once out of the bath, the body cream is the perfect addition to your routine.  In its pump action bottle, it makes the application an absolute dream and again, it worth taking the time to enjoy the fragrance and continue with that relaxing routine.  The cream absorbs itself rapidly into the skin and leaves behind the fresh fragrance of those specially selected essential oils on the skin.

I love how much effort REN is going to when it comes to repackaging their products to make them better for the environment and ultimately better for you, the consumer.

Do you have a favourite REN product/Collection?

*this post contains PR samples and/or Affiliate Links unless indicated otherwise - you can learn more on my Disclaimer page.

Wednesday 8 May 2019

11 Things You Can Do For Better Self-Care This Week

Self-care is important. Taking the time to look after yourself can help you to stay healthy, both physically and mentally, and help you feel more energised. It’s surprising, however, just how many of us fail to make time for proper self-care. If you regularly feel tired, run-down, or you’re always rushing around then you might want to think about changing those habits. Sites like might just have some hints and tips that you can try!

Improved self-care can start anytime, so why not start now? Here are 11 things you can do for better self-care this week, and every week after that.
11 Things You Can Do For Better Self-Care This Week
Image Credit: Unsplash under Creative Commons

1. Improve your sleep quality (and quantity)
It’s incredible how much better you can feel after a good night’s sleep. Imagine how good you’ll feel after a week of good sleep? Sleep makes a big difference to your mood, your energy levels and your health in general, so you should make the most of it. Focus on the ways you can improve your sleep so that you can get more hours of quality rest each night and wake up feeling refreshed.

2. Eat a good breakfast every day
Do you always make time for breakfast? They’re not lying when they say it’s the most important meal of the day. Having a nice, healthy breakfast is a great way to start your day, and with the right nutrients, you won’t have to worry about those mid-morning cravings. Some on-the-go breakfasts like smoothies or cereal bars can be packed with sugar, which will only provide you with a short-term energy boost. Look at healthy breakfast options that you can make in a hurry to help you fuel up in the morning.

3. Start a great morning routine
As well as a good breakfast, you can practice better self-care by establishing a great morning routine. Instead of fighting the snooze button, get up and make the most of your morning - even on weekends. From tackling some life admin to prepping your dinner for later on, try to make the most of your mornings so that you can enjoy some time to chill later on.

4. Take a walk at lunch
What do you tend to do at lunch? Sit and read gossip websites over a supermarket sandwich? That habit alone could cause you to feel tired and even possibly add to weight gain (depending on what’s in the sandwich!). Try something different this week and take a lunchtime walk instead. A brisk walk can clear the cobwebs and help you focus, as well as making up for that time, sat still at your desk. Try it this week and see if your afternoons start becoming more productive, and less of a battle against that clock.

5. Do some physical activity
Physical activity guidelines recommend you do 150 minutes of exercise a week. That seems like a lot, but that’s only 30 minutes a day - something you can easily fit in at the same time as watching your favourite soap or sitcom.

Your exercise routine should feature a mixture of cardio, strength and stretching exercises - does yours? Why not mix up the running or gym cardio with some weights and some yoga? There are some yoga poses to try that you can do with your other half - helping you both get into better shape. Exercise is great to de-stress and clear your mind, while also helping you to get in shape.

6. Don’t drink
Don’t you just hate that feeling of waking up rough from the night before, tired and barely able to move? It can feel like a waste of your day, while the money spent drinking can also feel like a waste. Laying off the alcohol, if only for a short while, can help you feel more alert, less bloated and help you be more productive. Instead of hitting the town this weekend, stay in and catch up on some relaxation time - it’ll do you the world of good.

7. Put your phone down
Always glued to your phone? It’s easy to rely on your phone more and more these days, but using it all the time can form some bad habits. It’s good to have a digital detox, it can help you spend some quality time with your partner, friends and family, and can be refreshing not worrying about checking your social media constantly. Why not make a new rule that you’ll leave your phone alone for a couple of hours each night, and remember what it’s like to enjoy meaningful time with others.

8. Read a book
Reading a book can be very therapeutic. It can help you switch off and think about something else for a while - which is great if you’re dealing with stress. Reading can improve your memory, your vocabulary and improve your focus, as well as give you new things to discover. Start a new book this week instead of a box set, you might just rediscover a passion for reading! Check out some of the best books to read this year and make yourself a reading list to enjoy over the coming weeks. 

9. Catch up on your checkups 
Are you on top of all of your medical checkups? Making sure your smear test is up to date, as well as other checks is important. Early detection of problems is important, and it doesn’t take long to make an appointment with your doctor.

The same should go for your dentist and if you need a dentist in London, it is easy to book online. Many people only go to their dentist when there’s a problem, but a regular checkup can help keep your teeth in excellent condition, as well as stop problems like gum disease from getting worse.

This week, take 15 minutes to make sure all of your appointments are up to date and make your health your priority.

10. Start a new skincare routine
How well do you take care of your skin? A new skincare routine can help you achieve soft, glowing skin while tackling some of the problems you might be facing like dryness or blemishes. A good skin care routine should consist of a cleanser, toner and moisturiser, using all three daily to help give your skin the boost it needs. You can also add in different serums and overnight products to help give your skin some extra nourishment.

Applying a face mask can be a treat for your skin, as well as an excuse to take 10 minutes to relax and pamper yourself. Sheet masks are affordable and can help give your skin an extra dose of nutrients, leaving it radiant and youthful. Try using one once a week to help perk up your skin.

11. Form better habits
After a week of making small changes to your lifestyle and habits, how do you feel? If you’re feeling more energetic and generally better in yourself, then perhaps some of these changes are worth making more permanent? Making better changes for the sake of your health can be a positive step forward and you’ll continue to see the benefits.

Taking better care of yourself can lead to a number of benefits. Self-care can help you feel better in yourself now, while also benefiting your future health. You don’t need to do anything drastic to enjoy a healthier lifestyle, as sometimes it’s the basic elements you might have been neglecting that make the most difference to how you feel. A few simple changes can make a big difference, so why not start with small steps this week and see if your health improves?

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Sunday 23 September 2018

Top Tips for Creating a Luxurious, Spa-Like Bath Experience

A long hot soak in the bath. There isn’t anything quite like it, is there?
Top Tips for Creating a Luxurious, Spa-Like Bath Experience
Photo by Mutzii on Unsplash
Yet, if you’re anything like me, you won’t find much time to do this – and when you do, you’re in an out within 10 minutes because you’ve either got the water too hot or you’ve got something you need to do and haven’t left yourself enough time.

However, I’m here to share with you some wonderfully indulgent tips for bath times that’ll have you making that time for yourself at least once a week!

Make It Mindful
It’s easy to quickly run the bath, pour in some bubbles and jump right in. But that’s not going to do a lot for your mindfulness.

Instead, take some time while you’re running the bath to create the perfect ambience.
This means getting rid of those kids’ toys and that overflowing laundry basket, dimming lights, lighting candles, and adding essential oils to really add to the overall experience. For example, Neom Organics offer a range of bath and shower drops that are designed to de-stress you and help you relax and unwind.

And once you’re in the bath, take some time to close your eyes and focus on your breathing. This will help clear your mind of those day-to-day stresses, instantly relaxing your body.

Add Some Indulgent Touches
As well as those essential oils, bring some more indulgent touches to your bath so you don’t have to move for a long time. This includes a chilled towel that you’ve spritzed with the essential oils, cbd products which won't get you high, a glass of chilled lemon-flavoured water and some of your favourite snacks.

Alternatively, if you’re getting ready for a night out or a relaxing night on the sofa, a glass of prosecco while you’re in the bath won’t hurt!

Greet Yourself with Further Luxuries When You Get Out
The indulgent feel doesn’t have to end as soon as you get out of the bath, either.

Before you get in, make sure you’ve left a dressing gown, slippers and some fluffy towels by the bath so you can wrap yourself up and continue to feel relaxed. Straight after your bath, it’s also a good idea to lather yourself in a gorgeous, scented cream as this will really bring the spa-like experience to your home.

As you can see, with these tips, you won’t be jumping out of the bath after ten minutes. Just perhaps when you start to look like a shrivelled prune!

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