Friday 4 October 2024

5 Common Everyday Illnesses and how to Manage Them at Home

We can often experience illnesses on a day to day basis but there’s not always a need to go to the GP. Here are 4 common everyday illnesses and how you can manage them at home.
5 Common Everyday Illnesses and how to Manage Them at Home
Image Credit FreePik

There are illnesses that people come across on a daily basis, especially during winter months or when the kids go back to school. We become more resilient as we get older but new forms of illnesses can progress so we need to stay safe. However, it doesn’t always need a doctor as long waiting lists can prohibit care.

There are plenty of ways to manage them at home, so here are 5 common everyday illnesses that you can manage effectively at home with some simple solutions.

The Common Cold and Flu

The common cold can creep up on anyone, which can impact your day to day life. It can be exhausting and unpleasant but you may still feel able to look after yourself and continue with your everyday duties without visiting the doctor.

If you’re sneezing, coughing and have a sore throat, it’s not fun but there’s not a lot your GP can do. Dealing with it at home, it’s best to get plenty of rest and drink lots of water. Warm soup and tea can help to soothe your throat. Honey, lemon, ginger and even garlic cloves can help if you put it in hot water. Also, if you’re congested, try boiling the kettle and putting the water in a bowl to steam out your sinuses by breathing it in. A bit of Echinacea or eucalyptus oil added or taken orally can also help recover a little quicker.

The common cold is a viral infection affecting the upper respiratory tract, often causing a sore throat, congestion, coughing, and sneezing. Since it is viral, antibiotics are ineffective, but the symptoms can be managed with home remedies.

Glandular Fever and Tonsilitis

Having a sore throat doesn’t always mean it’s a cold. It can be a sign of glandular fever or even tonsillitis. If you see white spots on your tonsils that’s likely to be the case. Herbal teas, licorice and ginger can help. Milk can also soothe any pain, from my experience.

If you have a fever, staying hydrated with water is key, lots of rest and cool compresses on the head can help bring down the fever. In addition, over the counter pain medications can also help, in particular ibuprofen as that reduces inflammation. You can also visit sites such as Anytime Doctor (, which can give you a diagnosis online and advice if you feel really awful.

Stomach ache

There can be multiple reasons why you’d have a stomach ache. It could be overeating, intolerance, indigestion or something more serious. Feeling bloated or sick with a poorly stomach can be really uncomfortable.

Once again, ginger can be really helpful with digestion. Adding it to your diet or hot water can help settle your stomach down. Try lighter foods until the pain or any diarrhoea subsides. Additionally peppermint tea has been known to help settle the stomach, especially after overeating or experiencing indigestion.

Headache and migraines

A lot of people experience headaches and migraines. Often this could be due to poor posture, working at a desk all day or triggered by busy working lives. It could also be down to not drinking enough water or not getting enough sleep.

Stay hydrated and try to get enough sleep in a routine. Over the counter medications can help relieve pain, but also some essential oils like lavender can help calm things down. If you experience migraines, resting in a quiet dark room can help until the pain subsides.


These common illnesses can happen on a daily basis but with a little advice and help, there’s no need to wait for doctors waiting times. These small solutions can help alleviate pain and make sure you get back to good health in no time.

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