
Monday 11 December 2023

Marie Reynolds London Skincare Review

It's not every day you attempt to make some soup and the cat is so offended he knocks it over you and in the process sends you to A&E with a burn on your wrist, but that happened and when I started sharing pictures of my rather gruesome injury online, the lovely people at Marie Reynolds reached out to offer some products to help the healing and prevent scarring.
Marie Reynolds Skincare
The advice was to use these two products on my wrist to help heal and soothe and hopefully over time, they would support my skin and diminish any scarring that would usually occur from such an injury.

The first product, Anoint is the brands best selling Skin Integrity Oil and it has been created to aid skin healing for issues and concerns such as stretch marks and scars, as well as softening and smoothing the skin.
Marie Reynolds Skincare
Anoint is made using a specific blend of base oils that have a high fatty acid, antioxidant and vitamin contents including Vitamins A, C & E to condition and support the skins integrity. Those oils such as Apricot Kernal Oil, Aleurites Molluccana Seed Oil, Jojoba Oil and Kukui Nut Oil and they come together to protect the lipid barrier, decrease inflammation and nourish the skin.

To use Anoint, I have applied directly to my wrist after showering and gently massaged it into my skin to let it work its magic. As an oil, it is as you might expect a runny texture, so I only needed one pump to cover the entire area that was affected, though I have used it on other areas of the body too and it is just a delightful product to use.

The second product I have been using is called Restore (£69) and it is designed to feed the skin and support imbalances within the epidermal flora through the skins microorganisms.
Marie Reynolds Skincare
Designed to be used as a mask, which as you can see, is a product you mix up yourself and it offers the following benefits:
  • Fortified in phytonutrients
  • Balances skin’s fatural Flora
  • Antibacterial
  • Anti- inflammatory
  • Rejuvenating
  • Brightening
  • Uses probiotic technology
  • Includes 8 strains of live bacteria culture
To use this on my wrist, I have mixed a small amount of the powder with a teaspoon of water to work it into a paste and then applied it to directly to the skin on my wrist, always after showering and left it to works its magic for around 15 minutes before removing it with a soft flannel carefully, as to not tear the delicate skin. It is also an incredible facemask too and it doesn't irritate the skin or leave it feeling dry and in need of moisture.

So how have these products worked on my wrist? Below is a series of photos over the last four weeks which show the changes to my skin. I didn't start to use either of these products until the second week for reference.
Marie Reynolds Skincare
Marie Reynolds Skincare
Marie Reynolds Skincare
Marie Reynolds Skincare
As you can see, my wrist has really improved over the last four weeks since I started to use both of these products and until my wrist heals completely, I will continue to use both of them, but I am so delighted that there is no scarring, no dry itching skin and almost no sign there was ever an injury to start with.  Both are seemingly magical potions!

To find our more about the brand and its founder Marie Reynolds, there is a whole host of information alongside an incredible catalogue of products to discover.

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