
Thursday 3 August 2023

Common Foot Problems Caused by High Heel Shoes

High heels may make you feel taller and more beautiful. Beauty is often sacrificed for fashion. Even the best, most luxurious pair are uncomfortable. They can also cause pain which leaves feet aching after walking. For instance, you will experience fatigue, pain, and energy drain after a long day in heels. In this case, foot patches are recommended by to eliminate toxins and leave you feeling refreshed.

However, while foot patches help to relieve pain in the short run, regular wearing may also create several foot problems. High heels can compromise ankle stability and increase injury risk. They apply significant pressure to the forefoot's plantar region, causing discomfort in the leg, back, and foot. Long-term usage can lead to structural abnormalities in the foot, requiring surgical intervention. Some of the foot disorders that have been linked to wearing high heels regularly include:

Foot Problems Associated with Wearing High Heels Regularly

Common Foot Problems Caused by High Heel Shoes

A doctor can diagnose foot conditions caused by frequent high heels wearing. These include:

  • Chronic Back and Knee Pain: Maintaining balance on high heels requires adjusting the rest of the body. Your knees and back bear the shifting weight leading to some mild pain. However, wearing ill-fitting shoes daily for an extended period can develop into chronic pain and arthritis.

  • Calluses and Corns: Wearing high heels can cause a corn or callus. These are thick and painful growths on your foot. A corn occurs on the side or top of your toes, while a callus occurs on the sole.  The best treatment method is through trimming or cutting them away. However, ensure a podiatrist does the procedure.

  • Bunions: A bunion is also known as hallux valgus. It is a bump on the big toe joint that forms after years of pressure. A bunion occurs when the toe leans inward against smaller toes, pushing the joint out of alignment. Note that high heels do not cause bunions but can encourage them to form and worsen the condition. They crowd the toes, exacerbating the underlying structural issue and aggravating inflamed tissue. Also, as the bunion grows, the big toe turns towards or on top of the adjacent toe.

  • Hammertoe: A hammertoe is the bending of joints in your second, third, fourth, and little toes due to the frequent wearing of high heels. It is easy to manage a hammertoe through non-invasive measures. However, if untreated, you need to undergo foot surgery.

  • Plantar Fasciitis: High heels can cause plantar fasciitis. This is a pain sensation in the fascia connecting the heel to the toes. It can also manifest as inflammation or soreness on the foot sole. The strain on the heels can worsen the condition. Avoid wearing high heels, apply ice, use arch supports, or take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve the pain.

  • Achilles Tendonitis: The Achilles tendon connects the calf muscles to the heel bone. Frequent high-heel wearing cause excessive limits to your range of motion. This leads to premature tightness and an increased risk of injury. Kicking off shoes causes Achilles tendonitis, requiring re-stretched for daily walking.

  • Morton's Neuroma: High heels can cause Morton's Neuroma, affecting the ball of the foot between the third and fourth toes. This condition occurs when the forefoot overloads the front joints, causing inflammation. You will experience sharp, burning pain in the ball. Your toes will experience stinging, burning, or numbing sensations.


Feet are crucial in balance, support, posture, and well-being. High heels can cause imbalance, poor posture, pain, and ongoing foot problems. To avoid these issues, consider the risks of high heels. However, prevention is better than cure. Hence, choose rounded or open-toed shoes with wiggle room and a soft insole. Also, consider taking breaks in heels by limiting walking time and having a second pair of flat shoes. Ensure you seek medical attention if you experience chronic pain due to your footwear.

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