
Tuesday 28 March 2023

How To Take Care Of Your Nails

Your nails are important. They actually are a great indicator of your overall health, so it’s a good idea to keep them as healthy as possible to begin with. That way, should something change, you’ll be able to notice much sooner and get medical attention to determine what the issue might be. Plus, taking care of your nails means they always look good, and you’ll feel confident in yourself. So if you want to know how to take care of your nails, keep reading for some useful advice.
How To Take Care Of Your Nails
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Wash Your Hands
One of the best things you can do for your nail health - and your health in general - is to wash your hands regularly throughout the day. You should always do this after using the bathroom, of course, and if you touch anything that could be dirty, but when it comes to your nails, you need to make sure you are doing things right.

This is why it’s a good idea to wash your hands thoroughly at least once a day. That is, more than the standard hand washing you would do at regular intervals and when required. You can choose to do this either before bed or as part of your morning routine so that you don’t forget about it. During this time, you can use a nailbrush to clean your nails more deeply and to remove any dead skin.

Don’t Remove The Cuticle
The cuticle of your nail is very important; it keeps the area at the base of your nail protected by creating a seal around it. If that seal is broken - perhaps because you have cut the cuticle or trimmed it too much - bacteria can get into the skin and under the nail, causing an infection. Nails can even be lost in this way.

If you have an issue with your cuticles, try to leave them alone until you can see a specialist who will be able to handle them in the correct way. If they need to grow back, try wearing sticking plasters over your fingers to protect the area until things are back to normal. 

Use Supplements
Supplementing your diet with essential vitamins and minerals can greatly benefit the health of your nails. Biotin, Zinc, and Vitamin E have proven their worth in strengthening nails while stimulating growth. Vegan collagen supplements also contain amino acids which promote nail strength. Moreover, make sure to stay hydrated throughout the day and drink plenty of water - healthy nails begin from within!

Stop Chewing Your Nails
A lot of people have a nervous habit of biting or chewing their nails, and this can cause a lot of problems. To begin with, it will make your nails look unattractive and uncared for. It can also damage your teeth, especially if you bite your nails for many years. Plus, the nail itself can become damaged and fragile. The best thing you can do to protect yourself is to stop chewing your nails.

This is easier said than done because it is often an unconscious act - you don’t realise you’re doing it until after it’s done. If that’s the case for you, you could get some great nail supplies at NSI Nails and take time over making your nails look gorgeous. Not only will you not want to chew them, but it will be a lot harder to as well if they have gel on them, for example. This will make it obvious to you that you’re doing this, and it will help you actively prevent yourself from continuing.

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