
Friday 3 February 2023

The Body Shop Breathe Massage Melt

The one product I was really looking forward to is covering from The Body Shop Advent Calendar was the Breathe Massage Melt.
The Body Shop Breathe Massage Melt
Described as being the product to help nourish and unwind that overworked body and mind, it is made with 98% ingredients of natural origin and they include:
  • eucalyptus essential oil - It’s scent is a winner at helping foggy minds feel lifted. 
  • rosemary essential oil - Its scent is known for its refreshing and stimulating properties. 
  • Fair Trade organic olive oil - It moisturises and protects the skin as well as improving the strength.
The melt itself is a gel-like texture which just melts onto the skin like an absolute dream and it is one of those soothing products you need after a long day of sitting at your desk hunched over the laptop leaving you with those aching shoulders and stiff neck. All you need is someone with warm hands and a small amount of this melt to work their magic.
The Body Shop Breathe Massage Melt
The Body Shop Breathe Massage Melt
If you are familiar with Vicks Vapour Rub, for me this is similar but so much better. Firstly, I absolutely love the gel-like texture which isn't too greasy when applied to the skin and a little really goes a long way.  To use, the best way to apply it for me is after showering, at which point you simply scoop out a small sized blob and massage it over the parts of your body that you need some help with soothing, unwinding and relaxing, so for me it is my shoulders, the back of my neck and lower back and it really does help.  With the inclusion of Olive Oil, my skin is left soft, smooth and moisturised, so it gives the best of both worlds, more if you can convince someone else to massage it onto and into your skin.

A final tip with this massage melt is to make the most of the scent before applying to your skin, by breathing in the scent and slowly breathing out and those oils of Rosemary and Eucalyptus are divine.

On sale at The Body Shop, this Breathe Massage Melt is just £19 here.

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