
Thursday 23 February 2023

How Do Fertility Tests Differ Between Male Females?

How Do Fertility Tests Differ Between Male  Females?
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When discussing pregnancy and conception, conversations tend to focus exclusively on women. It’s true that women do most of the work to bring a child into the world, but the role of men should not be discounted. This is especially true when it comes to fertility. For couples who are struggling to conceive, either partner may be responsible. Learn more about a fertility test for couples and how tests differ between men and women.

Hormone Testing for Females
When it comes to a woman’s fertility, there are two important factors — ovulation and hormone levels. Ovulation is imperative because it makes mature eggs available for fertilization, and hormones are important because they create — or jeopardize — an environment that’s hospitable to a growing embryo. Hormone testing for women can provide insights into both of these factors.

A home female fertility test will typically assess the concentration of follicle-stimulating hormones, estrone-3-glucuronide, luteinizing hormone, and progesterone metabolite. All of these hormones are imperative to both ovulation and conception, and hormonal imbalance is one of the most common causes of infertility. Measuring the levels of each of these hormones can help you understand the factors that affect your fertility.

You can also use PdG test strips to assess ovulation — even after it has occurred. This differs from traditional tests that are only able to predict ovulation before it’s happened. This can provide further insight into your ovulation patterns, and this knowledge will help you try to conceive during times of peak fertility. A PdG test works by measuring the concentration of progesterone in your body.

Semen Analysis for Males
While there are many factors that may make it difficult for a woman to conceive, male infertility generally stems from a single problem — a lack of viable sperm. Genetic defects, STDs, and blockages can cause this issue, but the result is the same — you will struggle to get pregnant if your partner does not produce healthy sperm. This is why it’s important to invest in male fertility testing alongside female fertility testing.

Semen analysis is the most common form of male fertility testing. To perform this type of test, men must submit a sample of semen which is then analyzed and processed at a lab. The lab will examine the sample under a microscope, checking for the quantity of sperm it contains as well as the quality of the sperm.

Results will either be normal or abnormal. If a test indicates abnormalities, though, this doesn’t mean that a man is entirely infertile. In this case, the test should be repeated to

confirm the results and determine the best course of action. It may take longer and require some extra planning, but it is still possible to conceive even if your partner’s test reveals an issue with their sperm.

Trying to get pregnant can be an exciting time for couples, but it can also be exhausting if you encounter fertility struggles. Testing for men and women can offer essential knowledge to overcome the most common conception obstacles.

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