
Monday 30 January 2023

The 5 best and natural ways to retain water in the body

Water retention in the body is still very common. It can be encountered in both women and men. However, due to hormonal fluctuations, it is more common in ladies. How can you deal with this problem? We have 5 tips for you.

1. Increase your water intake - eliminate the cause
Is water retention dangerous? It is certainly a condition in which the balance in your body is disturbed. This means that not all your organs are working as you would like them to. As a result, there can be a lot of inconvenience associated with it. Sometimes this has certain health consequences.

Therefore, eliminate the main cause of water retention in your body. Increase your fluid intake throughout the day. If you are under-hydrated, the body tries to protect you from a life-threatening condition. Therefore, reach for water more often.

2. Excess water is accumulated by salt - limit it
Salt causes water retention in the body. This needs to be prevented, so try to limit its consumption. Remember to minimise its amount, not only in your kitchen. Fast food contains a lot of this spice, so avoid it.

3. Avoid water retention through physical activity
Always remember the golden rule regarding your health. It is much easier to prevent any illness than to treat it. A great way to do this is to introduce physical activity into your life. By doing so, you take care of many aspects related to your body.

Not only do you maintain a healthy weight, but you also look after your heart and the balance of your body. We are also talking about the correct level of water in the body. Remember that just a few minutes of exercise a day is enough to prevent many diseases.

4. Reach for nutritional supplements
Already have a problem with excess body water? Wondering how to combat it? Then look for nutritional supplements. Be sure to choose only tried and tested products with a good composition. One company that offers suitable kits is Your Secret Is. They also deal with the phenomenon of excess water accumulation in the body.

If this problem concerns you, consult your doctor or nutritionist. This way, you will gain confirmation that dietary supplements are a very good solution. They will help you to get rid of your problems. Of course, these products cannot replace a proper diet, water and exercise. However, they will serve as an excellent support in the fight against swelling and other symptoms.

5. Increase your magnesium intake
Magnesium is responsible for stabilising the hormonal balance in women. During menstruation, its absorption can be impaired. As a consequence, a deficiency can occur, which contributes to the accumulation of water in your body.

Therefore, as a preventative measure against fluid retention in the body, reach for magnesium supplements. In this way, you can holistically benefit all the systems in your body.

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