
Saturday 23 July 2022

Top 5 Major Anxiety Disorders in Adults How To Treat Them

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Everyone experiences occasional anxiety throughout their lives. Yet anxiety can become a persistent everyday state of being, interfering with work, school, interpersonal relationships, taking care of oneself and even enjoying life. Many management and treatment possibilities are available: This guide explores the most common types of anxiety as well as non habit forming anxiety medication options. 

What Are The Differences Between Various Anxiety Disorders?

The National Institutes of Mental Health describes five common types of anxiety disorders. They all differ in scope, intensity and symptoms:

Generalized anxiety disorder: constant anxiety and worry even without an identifiable source
Obsessive-compulsive disorder: repetitive and recurring undesired thoughts and/or compulsions
Panic disorder: unanticipated instances of extreme fear accompanied by dizziness, chest pain, heart palpitations and similar physical symptoms
Post-traumatic stress disorder: anxiety disorder resulting from intense and/or repetitive exposure to serious harm or life-threatening situations such as ongoing abuse, physical assault or natural disasters
Social anxiety disorder: extreme self-consciousness and anxiety in common social situations

Even when anxiety is limited to specific conditions, it can still impact multiple areas of our lives. People dealing with social anxiety may isolate themselves, which can interfere with school, work and healthy relationships with family and friends. Sensory stimuli — sounds or smells, for instance — can trigger anxiety episodes or full memory flashbacks in people with post-traumatic stress disorder. 

While these five are the most commonly diagnosed, other types of anxiety disorders exist. Phobias involve extreme fear of certain things or situations. Agoraphobia, for example, is a fear of unsafe environments or situations such as open spaces or crowded environments. 

Natural Ways To Treat Your Anxiety

Serious anxiety can be debilitating. Fortunately, there are options for treating anxiety disorders. Getting a diagnosis from a mental health professional is often the first step. Providers use the current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association, to diagnose anxiety disorders. 

Many people benefit from multifaceted approaches that address anxiety issues from different angles. Working with a mental health provider is helpful. Several therapeutic approaches are available, such as dialectic behavioral therapy. Prescription medications, including antidepressants, are other common treatment components. 

Some anxiety medication for adults can be taken safely without a prescription. The most notable example is Brillia, an impactful medication that's safe for adults, adolescents and children. Brillia targets a specific protein, S-100B, that regulates calcium levels and neuron activity in the brain. Too much S-100B can cause overactive neurons, leading to anxiety, irritability, frustration and lack of focus. Brillia contains Lapine S-100B immune globulin, an antibody that binds to S-100B and keeps its levels in check. Brillia contains only this antibody and has no side effects. 

Personalized Anxiety Treatment Solutions

Serious anxiety can interrupt life or bring it to a standstill. Millions of people seek remedies to address anxiety issues. Every individual's treatment plan is unique and tailored to meet that person's specific needs. Your anxiety management solution can include anxiety medication without prescription along with mental health therapy and beneficial lifestyle practices. 


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