
Friday 25 March 2022

Susanne Kaufman Bath Oil Trio

If there is a brand that has fascinated me for some time, it has been Susanne Kaufmann. I first came across them whilst browsing in Liberty and forever regretted not picking up a few products to try, so when I saw this Bath Oil Trio in the sale for just £18, I snapped it up.  
Susanne Kaufman Bath Oil Trio
I make no secret of my love of spending time in the bath away from the world and all it’s troubles. My time to clear my head, relax and let the water and my chosen potion do it’s thing.
Indulge the senses with Susanne Kaufmann Bath Oil Trio, a set of bath oils that includes Mountain Pine Bath Oil, Oil Bath for the Senses and Witch Hazel Bath. Each one of this trio of bath oils comes in a glass bottle with delicate herbs inside.
What I love about this trio is that each one is as amazing as the next and it is also a way to be absolutely self-indulgent, which is always a worthwhile cause.


  • Witch Hazel Bath 30ml
  • Oil Bath For The Senses 30ml
  • Mountain Pine Bath Oil 30ml
The Mountain Pine Bath Oil is formulated to invigorate the mind and body as well as to work to relieve muscle tension as it hydrates and nourishes the skin.
Susanne Kaufman Bath Oil Trio
Using essential oils derived from pine and spruce needles, sitting in the oil is a pine sprig which I absolutely loved and they have quite the qualities:
  • Dwarf Mountain Pine - An essential oil with a pleasantly warming and soothing effect on blood circulation, helping to ease muscle tension.
  • Norway Spruce - An essential oil which strengthens and stimulates the blood circulation. It also has an antiseptic effect.
Once added to running hot water, the fresh scent of those oils really grabs yours attention and are incredible soothing and relaxing, it to mention kind to the skin. With both the inclusion of 

The second bottle in this trio is the Witch Hazel Bath, perhaps the one which will divide opinion because I find people either love Witch Hazel, or they don’t.  
Susanne Kaufman Bath Oil Trio
Once again, featuring amazing ingredients you will find:
  • Mallow - Protects against environmental stressors, moisturises and soothes irritation.
  • Witch Hazel - has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties.
  • Yarrow Extract - which contains ample amounts of vitamin A, called natural retinol. It increases enzyme activity and stimulates collagen production.
As an oil, this is the one you need if you suffer from dry, flaky skin as the Witch Hazel extracts works to help the skin take control over its natural balance and enables it to better regulate its oil production.  The scent, which is definitely one of Witch Hazel and is fairly potent, has a sprig inside to really bring home that scent.

The third and final bottle, known as Oil Bath for the Senses is the one to help you relax and unwind after one of those days when you just haven’t had a minute. 
Susanne Kaufman Bath Oil Trio
This oil is formulated using the oils of the ylang-ylang tree, lavender and patchouli plant which come together to work to bring the mind to a relaxing state. The sprig of Rosemary which sits within this oil is used to promote blood circulation and the skin's metabolism plus sugarcane bagasse and corncob replenishes your skin, leaving it feeling smooth, soft and nourished. As with the other two oils in this collection, the bath oil comprises a velvety soft consistency and the aroma is incredibly relaxing and smells just incredible, ticking those boxes to help you unwind.

Each one of these bath oils is incredible in its own right. They are not oily despite their name and nor do they sit on the surface of the water. I am pretty obsessed with these oils and wish I had grabbed two of these bundles and if you’re a fan of relaxing bath oils, then this brand is an amazing one to try! 

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