
Thursday 10 March 2022

How to Treat Acne

How to Treat Acne
Acne is a common skin condition that millions of people suffer from worldwide. It’s likely that you or someone you know has dealt with the skin condition. Consider this article your guide to acne treatments as we go over the different things that may help you to manage it. Along the way, we will also draw attention to some common acne myths. Keep reading so that you can discover some of the best ways to tackle acne.

What is Acne?
So, what is acne? Put simply, acne is a very common skin condition that causes spots to appear. It’s common during puberty, but acne can also persist into adulthood. The spots can sometimes be painful, and it can also cause your skin to take on an oily appearance. Skin can also be painful to the touch if you have a severe case of acne.

Spots are most common on your face, but they can also appear on your back and chest. In fact, there are six main types of spots that can appear. For example, papules are small and red, while cysts are large lumps that are often filled with pus. These are considered the most severe type of spots that acne can cause, and they are often associated with scarring.

Acne Myths
There are many myths surrounding acne and we are going to dispel some of the most common here:
  • Poor Diet: Acne being caused by a poor diet is a myth, as there’s no scientific evidence to suggest that certain foods can cause or exacerbate the condition. Of course, it’s a good idea to eat a healthy and balanced diet for the sake of your general health and well-being.
  • Squeezing Spots: Squeezing your acne spots is not a treatment of acne, as some people believe. In fact, it will actually worsen your condition and is likely to cause scarring on your face.
  • It’s Contagious: Thinking that acne is contagious or infectious is completely false. You can’t catch acne from another person or pass it on.
  • Sex: Having sex has no impact (positive or negative) on your acne. It is wrong to believe that having sex can affect the appearance of your spots.
  • Tanning: Tanning, whether that be using sunbeds or going out into the sun, won’t help to improve your acne. There’s no scientific evidence to support that being in the sun will improve your condition. You could also increase your risk of skin cancer if you expose your skin to damaging UV rays. Make sure that you use sunscreen before you head out into the sunlight and that you don’t stay out in it for too long. Sunlight (and vitamin D) can have a positive impact on your mental and physical health. In case you live somewhere that doesn’t allow you to have access to the sun, make sure to take a vitamin D supplement to help support your general well-being.
  • Poor Hygiene Habits: Finally, it’s utterly false to believe that acne is caused by having dirty skin or by not cleansing. Acne is caused by issues underneath your skin, and therefore washing the top layer will not be able to stop acne from occurring.
Current Acne Treatments
Now let’s take a look at some of the current treatments of acne.

There are some things that you can do to help manage your acne at home:
  • Don’t squeeze your spots – no matter how tempting this might be. It can cause you issues down the line with scarring, and this can be harder to cope with.
  • Wash and clean your skin with a gentle cleanser. Use room temperature water as water that’s too hot or cold can aggravate your skin. Use cleansers that are marketed for spotty or sensitive skin. Only wash your skin a maximum of twice per day. Over washing can cause your skin to feel dry and sore.
  • Some people use toothpaste to dry out a particular spot overnight. Although there is no guarantee that this method will work, you could give it a go.
  • Since various acne medications can cause side effects, many individuals opt for natural alternatives like CBD (Cannabidiol). Available in many product formats like CBD Capsules, tinctures, topicals, edibles and vapes, this natural compound is touted for many potential health benefits. Nowadays, there is a growing body of research regarding the use of CBD for acne, which shows that CBD has the ability to regulate the production of sebum, an oily substance that the body produces and that usually causes acne. Because cannabidiol also possesses anti-inflammatory effects, the redness and pain associated with acne can also be reduced in users.
  • Fully remove your make up before going to sleep. Also, if you can, avoid wearing heavy make up as this can block your pores.
  • Keep hair clean and try not to let it touch your face.
Treatments From A Medical Professional
If your acne doesn’t improve from these self-help tips, then it’s a good idea to make an appointment with a doctor or dermatologist. There are a variety of treatments that they can prescribe, for example:
  • Topical treatments: These types of treatments include creams, lotions and salves that you apply directly onto the affected areas. One common example is Benzoyl peroxide. This is an antiseptic cream that can help to reduce bacteria on the skin. It can help to reduce inflammation and is typically used once or twice per day. Too much of this treatment can irritate your skin, so make sure to use it sparingly and follow specific instructions from your doctor. Some of the common side effects that can occur with this treatment are dry, itchy or stinging skin. These should pass following the completion of the treatment. If you are ever concerned about these side effects, then speak to your doctor. They may need to change the treatment. People are typically on this topical treatment for six weeks.
  • Antibiotic tablets: Oral antibiotic tablets can sometimes be prescribed to treat more serious cases of acne. It can take six weeks for you to notice any improvements. The doctor will assess your acne and consider how long they think you should be taking this medication.
  • Hormonal treatments: Sometimes, doctors will place women with acne on the combined contraceptive pill. This is because sometimes acne can have hormonal causes. The pill can take up to one year to notice a difference in your acne.
Final Thoughts
And that completes our article on acne treatments. Although there are a number of things that you can do to help your acne at home, this isn’t always sufficient for moderate or severe acne. Making an appointment with a medical professional is a good idea if you are concerned about your acne and if it’s causing you to have low self-esteem.

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