
Friday 11 March 2022

When Should You Switch Back to Summer Tyres?

Many people in the UK do not bother with winter tyres – or 'snow tyres' as they are sometimes called. This is a little misleading as winter tyres do not necessarily need inches of snow to work well. 'Cold weather tyres' is possibly a better name for them as the temperature is often a factor in their use. Having opted for winter tyres, how do you know when to go back to your summer or regular tyres? Let's take a look.

When the Temperature is Right
Winter/ cold weather/ snow tyres work best in conditions below 7°C. When your car thermometer is regularly showing 7°C or below during your commute, you can probably benefit from fitting cold weather tyres: and exactly the opposite is true too. Once the commute temperature average is above 7°C, you can safely switch back to your summer or all-purpose tyres. In fact, make this change as quickly as you can, because winter tyres are much softer than regular tyres and will begin to wear away rapidly once exposed to warmer conditions.

When the Time is Right
If your vehicle doesn't have a thermometer built into it, or if you are the forgetful type, do not despair about remembering to make the change at an appropriate time, there are a couple of ways to mark the event.

In the UK, daylight savings comes into effect towards the end of October, and ends towards the end of March. Entirely coincidentally, but fortuitously, these dates also mark approximately when average temperatures reach that 7°C threshold, so if you can link changing your tyres with putting the clock forward or back an hour, that will work reasonably well.

Another, even simpler way to remember it, is to check weather records for your area over the last twenty years or so, and pop a reminder in your phone's calendar feature to let you know to book your car in to have the tyres changed over.

When the Road Conditions are Right
Cold weather tyres are sometimes known as 'snow and mud' tyres too. This is because muddy roads are quite similar to snowy roads when it comes to tyres being able to grip the road's surface. This can mean that switching to winter tyres during cold wet conditions is a good solution, changing back to regular tyres once conditions dry up a little and slippery mud is no longer a problem.

Whether you need to invest in your first set of cold weather tyres, renew your summer tyres or are just thinking ahead, we recommend you to buy cheap tyres online from Dartford Tyres and get them delivered to your doorstep. No upfront payment required! Their friendly staff and expert advice will make you a repeat customer for life.

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