
Thursday 9 December 2021

Object Beauty - An Introduction

Object Beauty is the brain child of Jack and Hugo who were sick of all the plastic waste filling their bathroom so they decided to look for an alternative. Searching high and low for brands and products that fitted the bill of being natural, ethical and plastic-free but also ones which looked the part.
Object Beauty - An Introduction
Object Beauty - An Introduction
I was kindly gifted the plastic free starter set which comes with a selection of bars and accessories and not only gives you an insight as to what the brand is about, but when you see everything together, it makes you wonder just how much plastic you have in your own bathroom and debate how easy it would be to make the switch. I have made a really effort to ditch a lot of plastic, I’ve moved to refills with a lot of the brands that I choose to use, but there is always a lot more we can do.

Described as being the perfect bundle to get you started on your plastic free journey. This bundle is made up of Objects best selling cleansing bar, a conditioner bar and there is also your choice of one of the brands award winning object shampoo bars, of which there is one for every hair type. But that isn’t all, you will also get a concrete shower dish and two travel tins.

In my bundle I have the Cleansing Body Bar which is described as being extra moisturising and is designed to nourish your skin and protect it from the free radicals you’re exposed to every day. Made from highly effective but gentle plant-based cleansers which are combined with nourishing oat extract, avocado and jojoba oil.
Object Beauty - An Introduction
What sells this cleansing bar to me is that it is scented with natural essential oils with aromatherapeutic properties. It is a known fact that I absolutely love my essential oils and this cleanser ticks boxes for me. With its combination of woody, herbal and citrus fragrance notes not only will you feel revitalised and centred, but my skin soft and smooth to the touch.

Over the past few years, I’ve made a big effort in an attempt to switch to Shampoo bars and I use them now more than I ever have, though that switch is still to become permanent as I’m mindful of my scalp when I am stressed.

The Shampoo bar in this bundle is the Moisturising Shampoo Bar and Object claim that this one bar is the equivalent of up to three bottles of liquid shampoo which really makes you think! 
Object Beauty - An Introduction
It is, as you might expect packed with the best natural ingredients including nourishing moringa, jojoba and argan oils and soothing coconut milk which is an incredible combination, especially for anyone with dry hair, as this shampoo bar is perfect for that.  Worth noting that Object shampoo bars are also scented with natural essential oils with aromatherapeutic properties such as ylang ylang, cedarwood, citronella and lavandin - it smells absolutely incredible.

When using, the issue I have often found with shampoo bars, is that despite instruction that you mimic the use of hand soap and turn it over and over in the palms of your hands to eventually get some form of lather, with this one, it takes less time and you get more lather, so applying to your hair and scalp is less of a chore.  The lather that is created is so gentle, it doesn't irritate the scalp and it does smell absolutely lovely, a scent which lingers long after my hair has dried.

To accompany the Shampoo Bar, I also have the Nourishing Conditioner Bar and when you haven't had anyone trim or cut your hair since long before lockdown, like me, your hair needs all the love and care it can get.
Object Beauty - An Introduction
Once again, the equivalent to three bottles of conditioner, this conditioner bar has been formulated by experts in an effort to help nourish, detangle and protect your hair. My hair has become very tangled after washing lately and I know it needs a really good cut, just need to find the time and a salon to book in to as my local one is no longer in operation. With this Conditioner Bar, again, it is packed with the best natural ingredients including an oil rich blend of macadamia, moringa and argan which work alongside black pepper, peppermint, lime and mandarin to give it a really lovely zesty and uplifting scent.

Once again, easy to use, there isn't as much lather created with the Conditioner as there is with the Shampoo but you can feel a difference in your hair as soon as you apply it to your hair before rinsing out.  For me, I am not a fan of overly heavy and thick conditioners, I prefer to use a hair mask for those textures, with this conditioner, what you get is soft, smooth hair with minimal frizz. 

Now I have my three beauty bars, keeping them dry between use is paramount or they just turn to mush.  So as I mentioned, within my bundle I was kindly given three accessories to ensure I do just that.  The first is a pink concrete shower dish which sits really well in the corner of my bath/shower out of the way of running water until I need to use my Cleansing Bar.  
Object Beauty - An Introduction
Then there is two tins which are available in small or large sizes. These tins are super light and are made from rust-proof aluminium. Perfect for use when going on holidays, to the gym and even for those weekends away, just add the tin to your makeup bag and your product is dry, protected and easy to use time and time again.

As you can see, I am really impressed with the products I have tried from Object Beauty and since this package arrived, I have gone on to order the Re-balancing Shampoo Bar which is said to be ideal for greasy hair, perfect for me as I suffer with greasy roots and dry ends, so I can now use both products to see what results I get.

If you have been thinking of switching from plastic bottled shampoo, to something like a shampoo bar, then Object Beauty is definitely the brand you want to try, I expect the range will be expanded within the next year to include more products, but the catalogue as they have it now is impressive!

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