
Friday 10 December 2021

Laser Hair Removal - Why is it so popular?

We all have hair on our bodies, some say that it has occurred through the evolving process and others like to come up with far more weird and wonderful reasons as to why.  Whatever that reason is, we all have it and some wish they didn't have it in certain parts and others wish they did.  For me, hair is hair, some I choose to remove and other bits I don't. It is a personal choice.

Now I have tried using an epilator, waxing, creams, gels, sugar waxing and a whole lot more besides when it comes to hair removal and like many things, I start off using devices and having a routine for a while, then I forget and I am back to square one and have to re-start the process all over again.  

A few friends of mine are currently having laser hair removal in various clinics for varying reasons and some of the results are simply incredible, so as it is becoming so popular as a treatment within my group of friends.  Having done my own research I found that laser hair removal works thanks to pulses of highly concentrated light which are emitted from the laser, which by the way come in all different shapes and sizes, directly into the hair follicles. The pigment in those follicles absorbs the light and that destroys the hair - sounds simple enough, but I wanted to know more as to why that is and also what the benefits are, in their words and there were a few similar comments to stand out.

  • Quickness - One friend of mine said it has proven to be the quickest route to get rid of unwanted hair.  She had a course of 4 treatments on her arms and it was quick, painless and had no down time.

  • Pain - We all know that waxing can be quite painful especially around those more sensitive parts and whilst there is a varying degree of pain, depending on your tolerance threshold, the one comment two friends made was it being like an elastic band hitting your skin - that I can handle, waxing round the ankles - no!

  • Precise - Have you ever found that when shaving or waxing your legs, there is always a bit that you miss? Well with laser hair removal, because it targets direct areas, it doesn't miss, plus those much smaller areas including the upper lip, chin, bikini line are much better dealt with.

  • Long Term Results - With one friend having completed her treatment, her results have been permanent for as long as I've known her, no longer does she need to worry about whether or not she shaved her legs before a big night out.  Another friend is part-way through her treatment and the results for her are just incredible and it has really helped with her insecurities.

  • Cost - If you weigh up how much it costs for razors, shaving gel, blades or even the price of your at home device and all those associated costs, the price is in some times a whole lot less and in others slightly similar.  Depending on your goal, it is worth working out a rough idea as to what you think you spend in a year v's the cost of the treatment you want.

Some of the reasons given by friends are the ones I have thought about when it comes to laser hair removal, the whole faff of removing hair, the ingrown hairs, the pain when you slightly nick yourself with a razor, remembering to buy them or new blades, it is a continuous process.  So if you do find that you are bored of tweezing, tired of waxing and like me, always forgetting to buy razor blades, Laser hair removal could just be the answer.

Have you had laser hair removal? is it something you have thought about? I would love to know.

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