
Saturday 13 November 2021

Coping with SAD

I’m very much a Summer girl. I love the sunshine, the light, the heat but I also love the rain, the cold and the joy of being able to have such a thing as seasons. But what is it about the darker mornings and evenings that just don’t work for me.
Coping with SAD
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Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is often referred to as the Winter Blues or Winter Depression and it affects people in different ways, some more debilitating than others, and whatever your symptoms, they should in no way be compared to anyone else’s . The symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder are also really wide-ranging and are described as being somewhat atypical when compared to other depressive disorders. 

They include:
  • Prolonged low moods
  • Low energy and irritability 
  • Difficulty focusing 
  • Oversleeping and finding it hard to get out of bed in a morning 
  • Feeling anxious
  • Overeating, craving carbohydrates, gaining weight 
  • Loss of energy 
  • Withdrawal from social situations
For me, I tick the obvious of boxes, low moods, low energy and irritability, the craving of carbs and I don’t feel particularly sociable, though I do force myself to be so. 

I had never heard of SAD until it was referenced when I was at University. At the time, I was lucky enough to have a GP who was willing to listen but who also suffered from SAD and she was able to talk through the symptoms, talk about her own issues whilst at the same time, reassure me that everything would be just fine, which it was and still is. However, my one piece of advice to anyone who is struggling, needs help or someone to talk to, if you can’t talk to your GP, then you can always arrange online counselling with a qualified, objective professional who will help you get to the bottom of your uneasiness.

I have tried many different things to help with my SAD and there are a few that I still rely on today. The first is light therapy and that is where my Lumie Clock comes into its own. In a morning instead of being rudely awakened by an alarm, my Lumie light gently wakes you naturally producing light that gradually increases in intensity, just like the sun. 
Coping with SAD
Coping with SAD
So instead of hearing a foghorn going off as my iPhone kicks itself awake and has me jumping out of bed confused, I can set my Lumie to slowly wake me up. But that’s not all, this clever device can also be used in an evening to help me wind down and relax, plus I have the option to add in some white noise or have the radio on if I need too.

Then we have aromatherapy, something I am hugely obsessed with. There is a whole host of essential oils which can have an affect on your mood, for example:
  • Orange, lime and bergamot are great for uplifting your mood
  • Lavender, chamomile and eucalyptus help to de-stress and relax
  • Grapefruit, pine and cinnamon help to boost energy
I spent years figuring out what works best for me, reading books and articles on how to use them. So currently, I have an essential oil diffuser which is great and dispensing my oil(s) of choice throughout the room I am in. You can of course opt for aromatherapy rollerballs that are great for use on the go, or another product that I use is my Lava diffuser necklace if I have got a packed day and need that extra support.
Coping with SAD
As well as those ways of helping, the advice from professionals and advice bodies is to get as much natural sunlight as you can - even if it is a brief and brisk lunchtime walk out in the fresh air. Sit near windows when you are indoors and make your work and home environments as light and airy as possible - I annoy my work colleagues by constantly opening windows, I’m not a fan of the heating being on at any point. Then there is the option of further medications which your GP might recommend such as therapy or antidepressants. 

If you think you suffer from SAD, there is a lot of information online about it and the differing symptoms and the NHS website has some really useful articles that I found helpful many years ago. 

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