
Sunday 5 September 2021

Cohorted Luxury 12 Wishes Beauty Advent Calendar 2021

Cohorted are best known for their Beauty Boxes and this is their second Beauty Advent Calendar which is titled Luxury 12 Wishes, which is an addition to the 2020 offering titled 12 wishes.  From the name alone, I am guessing the brands are to be a little more high-end, but we will see.
Cohorted Luxury 12 Wishes Beauty Advent Calendar 2021
This Advent Calendar has now launched with Cohorted and their is a waiting list that you can sign up to if you really wanted this calendar.  As yet there is no information on how much the contents are worth but the Advent Calendar is on sale now for £98 and it will be shipped out in a November ready for 1st December.

Inside the Advent Calendar there is to be 12 products and if you don't want to see what is inside, then don't scroll any further, just head to the right here to purchase as it is now on sale.

In the meantime, this is what you will find:


  • Laura Geller Spackle Mist
  • Floral Street Fragrance
  • Laura Mercier Lipstick
  • Irene Forte Skincare
  • This Works Deep Sleep Body Cocoon Body Lotion
  • Sunday Riley Good Genes Treatment
As more of the contents are released, I will update this Advent Calendar Post, but in the meantime, you can find this one and all of the other beauty Advent Calendars for 2021 

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