
Tuesday 27 July 2021

Ways to make your garden more private

I love spending time in my little garden space. I love sunbathing while enjoying a cocktail (or two!) during those super sunny days of summer. However, one thing I don’t like is my nosy neighbours… why can’t people just mind their business? I just want to relax, unwind, have some me-time without having people poking their noses out of the window trying to see what I’m doing or not doing.
Ways to make your garden more private
I just want some privacy in my garden, is that too much to ask? I don’t think so. Sorry for this little rant but I just had to say it. My desire for more privacy (in my own home… the garden counts as my home, right? Okay, no more ranting from now on) has lead me to search and search the internet for all kinds of solutions. So, today I thought I’d share with you some of the ways I found to make my garden more private. Who knows – maybe you’re looking for the same thing!

Consider a garden fence
Having a garden fence is one of the easiest ways to add some privacy to your garden. Plus, garden fences offer much more than privacy to a garden space, garden fences define the borders of your property, keep your pets out of trouble and more. Because of this, it’s important to give your garden fence some attention. Having a strong and stable garden fence is essential! Speedy Fixings recommend installing fence post shoes on your garden fence’s wooden posts. Post shoes will add extra support and stability whilst protecting against water and insect damage.
If you don’t have a garden fence, it’s time to install one. If you do have one, make sure it’s in good condition and, if it needs some repairs, time to tackle them! Garden fences can also be a decorative element of your garden – who said that garden fences need to be boring? Nobody. Make your garden fence stand out by giving it a colour update. As A July Dreamer comments in a recent blog post, “Grab the paintbrush and it’s time to paint your garden fence in your favourite colour. You can show off your personality and paint it with different colours and patterns.”

Plant small trees and large trees strategically.
It’s all about thinking strategically. Plant different sizes of trees around your garden to get different levels of privacy. 
Ways to make your garden more private
For instance, larger trees can be planted near the border of your garden to completely cut off the view from the outside whilst smaller trees should be planted closer to the places in your garden where you want more privacy. “Smaller trees near the places where you want privacy the most are also a good idea to add if you have space – these will keep you sheltered and provide a space away from view.” explains Luxirare.

Create a secluded retreat.
If you want to have an area of your garden that’s completely private, creating an outdoor “room” is the way to go. As this article on Better Homes & Gardens mentions, “A simple way to do this is to carefully place a couple of trees to form a pocket.” 
Ways to make your garden more private
This will form a little secluded area that nobody but you will be able to enjoy!

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