Wednesday 23 June 2021

Essentials For Running A Beauty Blog

Running a beauty blog is a lot of fun but also a lot of hard work. If you are thinking about starting a beauty blog, there are a few essentials about the nitty-gritty day-to-day running you might want to know about. From blog posts to photographs, these are some tips for those thinking they might have a go at running a beauty blog. 

Blog Posts

Photo by Pixelcreatures on Pixabay

It can seem daunting thinking of all the blog posts you’re going to need to write. It can help, especially at the beginning, to keep a notepad of upcoming blog post ideas. Depending on your stress levels, this can reach a week ahead, or two weeks ahead, or maybe even more. This way, you don’t have to come up with a fresh new idea each time you sit down to write a blog post. Instead, you can consult your handy notebook and get to work, 

SEO (search engine optimisation) is an incredibly important factor when hoping to get your blog out there. SEO is quite complicated and something you might not have known about before, so you might want to use SEO services to get your blog seen by as many people as possible. If not, there are courses online that you can take to learn about it yourself. 

Try to read other beauty blogs for inspiration. Keeping up with current trends in beauty blogging will ensure you stay relevant to the reader. Often, participating in trends can help to get your blog out there more. 


Photo by Free-Photos on Pixabay

A camera is a good investment when running a beauty blog. It doesn’t have to be a fancy camera - you can work well with just a basic one. But a camera is useful for a blog. By taking your own photos, you don’t have to worry about copyright law when using others’ photos. Plus, using your own photos allows you the creative control of what you want a blog post to look like exactly. Taking photos for your blog will likely become one of your favourite parts of the process - it’s a new creative outlet you might not have tried before!

Photo editing software can help out with your photos. You can find software you have to pay for or free alternatives. The free alternatives are often just as good as the paid versions, so don’t worry if you don’t feel able to splash out on something like Photoshop. By editing the photos you take, you can create a more professional feel to your blog. This is especially important for those who might not be using the best camera out there. 

Finding natural light to take your photos in is key. Natural light does wonders for a photo - makes it look brighter and more professional. When you’re starting out, you don’t need the full setup with professional photography equipment. Later down the line, if this is something you want to invest in, go ahead! But when you’re just starting out, natural light is all you need. 

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