
Sunday 4 April 2021

Positive Daily Affirmations

I love a good motivational quote and for me Pinterest is somewhere I can spend hours of my time looking for the exact quote I need, something that gets me out of that mood I am in, gives me a good shake and reminds me of how lucky I am. Just recently I’ve been saving positive Affirmations to a new board, something that as well as a quote, makes you really think about how much stress we all put on ourselves, usually with a comparison to something someone else has, is doing or has got.
Positive Daily Affirmations
An Affirmation is described as being a positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome those self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. It is said that when you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes to your life, sense of well-being, outlook and moods. Many of us have negative thoughts which include something along the lines of “I will never have a house as nice as that” or “I am not good enough to work with that brand”, having thoughts such as these is part of who we are, but when we think like this, our confidence, mood and outlook can become negative and you end up just feeling utterly worthless. So an affirmation and a little bit of self-belief might be just the tonic to help those thoughts.

Here are some of my favourites.
Positive Daily Affirmations
Positive Daily Affirmations
Positive Daily Affirmations
Positive Daily Affirmations
Positive Daily Affirmations
Positive Daily Affirmations
Positive Daily Affirmations
Positive Daily Affirmations
Positive Daily Affirmations
Positive Daily Affirmations
I have an entire Pinterest board dedicated to positive affirmations which can be found right here, they’re all free to download should you need a boost to your confidence or your current mood and mindset.

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