
Wednesday 7 April 2021

My Favourite Essential Oils

Creating an atmosphere at home doesn't mean being argumentative with your other half, your family or your housemates, though that could be unavoidable at times, it should mean turning your room into a haven of relaxation, somewhere you can just knuckle down and get on with your working day, snuggle in to watch a film, revive your senses and your well-being, watch a box set or even to read a book you have been wanting to read for some time now in your newly hung hammock. For me, this revolves around smells, lighting and comfort.
My Favourite Essential Oils
I am really into my essential oils and during the sales I managed to get my hands on a new diffuser, which I have shared on my instagram. From Made by Zen*, which I found via John Lewis. A brand who combines natural and ancient philosophies with modern science, madebyzen® describe themselves as being a British lifestyle brand synonymous with innovation, style and luxurious scent within the home fragrance, aromatherapy and wellness markets. They are also dedicated to bringing a touch of beauty, luxury and enjoyment through its collection of home fragrance and wellness accessories and scents.

With over 40 different diffusers to choose from, I have Glo, a diffuser which caught my attention as I scrolled through a few pages, initially looking for a new aromatherapy oil.
Enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy, hydration and Himalayan pink salt therapy with the madebyzen® Glo aroma diffuser. Achieving the perfect balance of aesthetics, simplicity and functionality, Glo combines aromatherapy with the calming effects of Himalayan pink salt. It creates an inviting space and a serene atmosphere for relaxing or socialising. 
Traditionally mined from the foothills of the Himalayan mountains, these authentic salt rocks create a wonderfully soothing pinky-orange glow that can promote deep relaxation and boost your mood. Then to make that atmosphere even more special, you can also add your favourite fragrance or essential oil.

I choose my essential oils depending on my mood and how I want to feel during and after using them. So whether you want to relax, wind down, be calm and tranquil, boost your mood and energy levels or simply to refresh the scent in your room. I have a list of oils that I use regularly.

Essential Oils

Sparoom Breathe Easy / Sinus - Using the essential oils of Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Pine and Rosemary this oil is designed to be therapeutic and it is one of my favourites to use when I feel a little under the weather or need to clear my head. 

The refreshing blend of Peppermint, is potent enough to make breathing, when you have that cold, much easier as it helps to clear your sinuses.

Sparoom Refresh Peppermint - If you like potent scents, then this one is amazing. Not only does it help to deal with tension, it also freshens the air, sharpens the mind, helps making those breathing exercises much easier, help to deal with mental fatigue and is soothing for headaches, especially tension headaches. 

I like to use Peppermint oil when I really need to concentrate on something like an excel spreadsheet which without question will stress me out.
My Favourite Essential Oils
Sparoom Rejuvenate / lemongrass - With its fresh citrusy scent, this oil is used to help relieve tension and anxiety as well as helping with headaches. I love the scent, I find it quite refreshing.  

Definitely an oil to be used when you need to stay calm, breathe deep and then plough on with that spreadsheet or have a zoom meeting which includes moaning margaret from reception!

Sparoom Relax / Lavender - A classic aroma and one which is used to promote a calm atmosphere. It can also used to relieve headachesanxiety and insomnia. What I like about this oil is the calmness the scent promotes and it is perfect for those times when you just need to relax and wind down. 

A definite oil to use when you want that Sunday afternoon disco (all afternoon) nap, relax in the bath or if you are on edge and just cannot sit still, this is an oil to try.

Tisserand Sleep Better - Described as being an oil which is ideal for bedtime, this blend contains soothing Lavender, supportive Mandarin and calming Ylang Ylang, all of which come together to help you relax and prepare for a blissful night’s sleep.  
My Favourite Essential Oils
This is an oil I use when I want to get a decent nights sleep, I use it for about an hour before bedtime, let the oil work its magic and then drift off into a restful slumber.

Aromaworks Escape / Lime and Mandarin - I was intrigued with this oil as I am used to seeing the word 'Basil' in accompaniment and without it, I wondered what it would be like. It is incredibly citrusy and punchy as an oil. 

Together they help to lift the mood and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety whilst at the same time, for me, this is an oil I want in my diffuser if I have to concentrate and need to be kept alert.
My Favourite Essential Oils
Aromaworks Awaken / Lemongrass and Bergamot - As with 'Escape' above, this is another citrus oil and one which also packs a punch, but it is very much the calming scent whilst at the same time, helping to reduce that feeling of fatigue.  

This is an afternoon oil for me, one I like to use when I want a nap but I've got a Zoom meeting in half an hour!

Those are just a few of the oils I use regularly for different reasons, but I would love to know which blend you prefer, if you use oils and whether you make your own blends, buy a certain brand or even dislike a certain scent.

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