
Monday 26 April 2021

Kohl Kreatives Mi-Fan Brush - made from rice!

If I told you that a makeup brush brand had created a fan brush made entirely out of rice, as in Rice, would you believe me? Admittedly I thought it was a bit of a leg-pull, but it isn't and it is absolutely true.  Meet Kohl Kreatives Mi-Fan Brush.
Kohl Kreatives Mi-Fan Brush
Kohl Kreatives is a brand I have featured twice. First with their Flex Collection brushes here and more recently with their Feast Your Eyes collection of brushes here. For me, they are a brand which thinks outside the box and does things that no other brand that I have used, own products from or have seen on my social media do.

Mi-Fan which is said to mean Cooked Rice in Chinese if you are wondering, is a brush like no other I have come across in the way that it is made. This brush is made entirely of processed rice husk, which makes it sustainable and conscious production, something Kohl Kreatives holds dear to their heart. Brand founder Trishna Daswaney states:
"We only use old and disposed of waste to produce out brushes. The Upcycling process is really key in our production process as well as looking after the people who help us to create them"
The Mi Fan brush eliminates plastic altogether, which I have to say impresses me a lot. When rice is produced, the husk is removed, this husk would usually go to waste. It is at this stage that the husk if collected and combined with plant starch to produce a new compound made up of 80% husk and 20% plant starch. This further creates an almost clay like material which can then be moulded and shaped, giving you the Mi Fan brush.
Kohl Kreatives Mi-Fan Brush
Kohl Kreatives Mi-Fan Brush
As with the Feast Your Eyes collection, this brush also has a cubed handle, you could say it represents a chopstick, once again this shape ensures the brush doesn't roll when you set it down, it is easy to grip and in keeping with the brands ethos, not only is it easy to use for those with motor disabilities, it has a raised QR code which leads to the brands audio guide, so if you have a sight impairment, you can hear just how to use this brush.

The fan brush, which is perfect for that subtle dust of highlighter, for using to apply your face mask or even for baking your makeup, is incredibly easy to use.  

Priced at just £8.99 it won't break the bank and all the proceeds from all sales go towards our charity Kohl Kares providing free workshops for a variety communities ranging from transgender and, cancer care support, as well as those with motor and visual disabilities. Find out more from Kohl Kreatives right here.

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