
Friday 12 March 2021

The Aroma Active Laboratories Sleep Collection

Aroma Active Laboratories is new to Boots and comes from the lab responsible for Aromatherapy Associates. Anyone who loves Aromatherapy Associates as much as I do (Support Breathe especially), then this is a brand you need to own absolutely everything of! I am making my way through some of the products the brands has to offer, but in the meantime, I am going to share a selection of the Sleep products as Boots currently has 25% off*!
Sleep Solutions with Aroma Active Laboratories
Within the Sleep collection there is four products - a Sleep Mist, a Sleep Pulsepoint Rollerball, Sleep Soak Salt and a Sleep Overnight Recovery Facial Oil. Each one of these products range in price from £8 to £15 making them very much affordable, more so with 25% off.

I am a huge fan of bath salts, they are such an underrated products, so with 25% off, I bought the Aroma Active Laboratories Sleep Salt Soak (£15 for 500g) and they are described as being a relaxing salt soak to calm your body and mind for a good night’s sleep.
Sleep Solutions with Aroma Active Laboratories
Sleep Solutions with Aroma Active Laboratories
These bath salts, which does dissolve in the bath water, are designed using a relaxing blend of essential oils which are known for their calming and centring effects. 
  • Lavandin contains Linalool and Linalyl Acetate which together are known to promote relaxation.
  • Buddhawood which is known to have a calming and centring effect, promoting balance and harmony.
  • Valerian which I’ve used on many different products and it is known for its calming effect, widely used to promote good quality sleep.
  • Ylang Ylang which is known for its sleep benefits, as we as its properties to fight nervous tension and stress.
These bath salts are simply incredible, as soon as you open the inner foil package, the scent which comes through is just wonderful and it becomes even better as it mixes in with the steam vapour of the bath water. Incredibly relaxing and just wonderful to use.

The second product is the Aroma Active Laboratories Sleep Over Night Recovery Face Oil (30ml) and if you are a fan of facial oils, you will find it incredibly hard to not love this.
Sleep Solutions with Aroma Active Laboratories
Sleep Solutions with Aroma Active Laboratories
It is described as being a restorative facial oil which helps you to relax and unwind for a peaceful night’s sleep and then when you wake up, you should have fresher, plumper looking skin.

As with the bath salts, this facial oil is also formulated with ingredients to promote relaxation and it too includes a relaxing blend of
  • Lavandin which is known for its ability to create relaxation
  • Valerian, known for its calming effect,
  • Ylang Ylang which is known for its ability to help reduce stress and tension as well as
  • Buddhawood which is known for its ability to promote balance and harmony.
When these ingredients and oils are combined they make for a very calming and centring effect. For me, my evening skincare routine is something I find quite relaxing and there is something quite calming about taking your time to look after your skin, whether it is five minutes before your head hits that pillow, to a good hour before bedtime.

I have become quite the fan of pulepoint roller balls and I have a few from many different brands, which I use for all kinds of issues.  From Aroma Active Laboratories, we have the Sleep Pulsepoint Rollerball (6ml)
Sleep Solutions with Aroma Active Laboratories
Sleep Solutions with Aroma Active Laboratories
Described as being an on-the-go solution to instantly calm and release tension before sleep, I use this rollerball when I am feeling slightly anxious and need to distract myself. Laying on the sofa or even in bed with my Kindle, rolling this metal ball onto my pulse points is really calming and of course, it smells just absolutely delightful.

The ingredients within this rollerball, you won't be too surprised to find also comprises of a
relaxing blend of Lavandin, Valerian, Ylang Ylang and again Buddhawood and together they work and use their properties to calm, centre, relax and just give you time out to wind down. As the rollerball is rolled over the pulse points - think behind the ears, the wrists and some also use the centre of the elbow too,take a few minutes to saviour the scent by inhaling with a count to five and then exhaling for the same time, an action you can repeat a few times over and over.

The final product within this collection is the Aroma Active Laboratories Sleep Mist (75ml) and if you have used a sleep mist before and liked them, then you will love this one.
Sleep Solutions with Aroma Active Laboratories
Described as being a calming and relaxing mist to induce and improve quality of sleep, as with the rest of the products within this range, it features the very same ingredients, which are described as being a relaxing blend of Lavandin, Valerian, Ylang Ylang and again which when combined promoted their calming, soothing and centring effects.

Using this spray, the advice is to spray it onto your pillows and bed linen roughly 15 minutes before you want to drop off to sleep.  I tend to air spray it as well, just in the hope sleep does come.  As a scent, it is definitely, for me, one which is relaxing and soothing, more so as I am a bit of an insomniac and anyone who watches my instagram stories will notice I am awake at all kinds of hours.

As a range of products, I can't believe the price point. I am obsessed with the bath salts and the rollerball, but both the sleep mist and the facial oil are just a delight to use when creating a sleep routine.  

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