
Sunday 28 February 2021

Lockdown Loves and Discoveries

Lockdown, the tier system, the changes are all hard and we have all had to make changes to how we live our lives, how we shop and how we spend time with loved ones, possibly more so by Teams, Zoom and Skype and we will forever hold the phrase “You’re on mute” dearly! 
Lockdown Loves and Discoveries
Lockdown Loves and Discoveries
I have hated all of the above as much as I’ve enjoyed it. The ability to spend more time at home with the hubby and cats is definitely something I used to take for granted, so it’s been quite the learning curve when it comes to both of us working from home, but we have worked it out. Not too sure the cats are impressed that we are still home, interfering with their 'time' from some of the looks I am given, but tough!

We decided to use the first part of Lockdown to do some decorating and DIY around the house, all those jobs we never got round to doing because life got in the way - hallway, lounge and odd jobs here and there that we never ever completed - changing of door handles for an example, now all done. I still need to get a window fixed, buy a new fridge freezer as well as the need for a new mattress (why is it so confusing) for the bed and decide what paint to choose for the kitchen, plus decide whether to save up for a new one or simply replace cabinet doors to give it a new look!
Lockdown Loves and Discoveries
Lockdown Loves and Discoveries
Lockdown Loves and Discoveries
All of that aside, when allowed, we have been out and about  in the area we live,  discovered new places to walk too and discovered new parts of the park we love, that we didn’t know existed. 

I’ve been making good use of both my Karrimor Walking Boots which I bought in the advice of my consultant for ankle protection and my new Teal coloured Iona Raincoat, that I was kindly gifted from Lighthouse clothing. 
Lockdown Loves and Discoveries
Both items being absolutely perfect for a daily walk in the cold, wet, slippery, muddy and almost boggy walks across fields, round the park and for dodging those people who insist in walking three abreast along the pavement forcing you into the grass verge!

As well as discovering new places, some DIY and bingeing most series on Netflix and Amazon Prime, is managed to hit my Goodreads goals by reading 40 books during the whole of 2020, something I am quite proud of doing. This year I’ve set that goal slightly lower because I am anticipating that I will be back to the office for the first time since March - at least that’s the hope!