
Monday 1 March 2021

Aldi Lacura Miracle Cream

Aldi's ever-growing beauty line Lacura, is known for its classic take on those high end brands, whatever your view on that is, then that is fine, but for me, it is like a discovery of trying to find similar but better.
Aldi Lacura Miracle Cream
The latest additions to my collection is the Miracle Cream and the Miracle Oil, two products which you might think you have seen elsewhere, they definitely give those Elizabeth Arden Vibes if you quickly steal a glance, but that’s for me whether the similarities pretty much start and end. Today I am sharing the Lacura Miracle Cream.

The Miracle Cream is, as you might think a dupe for the 8 hour cream and at £4.49 v’s £30, it would be rude to pass up an opportunity to try it out. Described as being a skincare miracle when it comes to moisturising and protecting the skin, it has numerous uses and benefits which are listed as follows:
  • Helps sooth dry skin
  • Helps promote healthy skin, seals in moisture and protects the skin
  • Aids the relief of irritation and redness
  • Helps moisturise rough, dry and cracked heels
  • Softens chapped lips
  • Can be used to tame your brows
So an impressive list of things this cream is said to do and help with.

Inside the tube, the orange sap-lip cream, which is more of a salve has a definite floral scent to it, which differs to the Elizabeth Arden option, which has more of a medical scent to it.  On the skin, the cream is much thinner and less icky, which is definitely a plus point, a little goes quite a long way and once it has been absorbed, there is no trace left on the skin.
Aldi Lacura Miracle Cream
Aldi Lacura Miracle Cream
The ingredient list with this Miracle Cream is petrolatum, so it is the same as the other one in that regard and there is also the same inclusion of Salicylic Acid, Castor Oil, Corn Oil and Linalool though in a slightly different order and the ingredients list for the Lacura Miracle Cream is far longer. So, whilst both creams are what is termed ‘occlusive’ aka help to form a barrier against moisture loss, they also both contain vitamin E to improve hydration and act as an antioxidant.

How does it fair? I’m not a real fan of the Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Cream, the texture is something I find really off-putting, if it was more like this, then I’d be much more of a fan, so given the option, I am going to choose this Aldi Lacura Miracle Cream every time. Since using it, there has been no irritation, redness and admittedly I’ve used it as more of a lip salve and a lotion for my elbows which became quite dry and I’m impressed with the results! Oh and it is cruelty free too and displays the leaping bunny on its packaging.
Aldi Lacura Miracle Cream
Always one to look out for in an Aldi middle aisle and for the price, it is more than worth trying! As with pretty much else that you will find from their beauty section.

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