
Monday 11 January 2021

Environ Skin Care - Getting to know your skin

Going to a spa to have a facial is one of the most relaxing activities you can do, it is also something that everyone should try, at least once to see how much of a difference it makes to looking after their skin and to their existing skincare routine, through the eyes of a professional.
Environ Skin Care - Getting to know your skin
The people over at Environ skin care* not only have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to products, but if you are unsure what your skin might or might not need and would like some help and advice on what to choose, they helpfully have an online skin consultation to help decide what you need from their range.  

The form takes you through a whole host of questions which includes the likes of:
  • Skincare concerns
  • Skin Type
  • Products you Use
  • Your skincare routine
Once you have completed all of these questions, which takes less than 15 minutes. There is also an option to upload a current photograph so that the team can look at your skin as it is now.  The next stage involves a member of the team reviewing your consultation form and then they get in touch with personalised skincare plan by email, advising what products they recommend you should use to achieve your desired results.

Environ, is the brain child of Dr Des Fernandes, a man who is rated amongst the top 5 plastic surgeons in the world. Believing that the introduction of Vitamin A into skincare products, it is an ingredient which is described as being the cornerstone of Environ Skincare and it works alongside other essential nutrients such as antioxidants and peptides. As a brand, there is every product you can think of from cleaning and toning, to eye creams, masks, lotions and serums - all you need to ensure your skin gets into and stays in amazing condition.

For anyone who is struggling with their skin and skincare routine during lockdown, an online consultation is more than worth looking into, it might just offer everything you have been looking for and more besides.

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