
Monday 14 December 2020

Creating the Perfect Winter Skin Routine for You

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Winter is coming! And that means dry skin is coming too. For those of you who battle with dry skin each year, it's time you created a full-proof winter skincare routine that will leave your skin thick, supple and hydrated. 

As the humidity drops, dry skin becomes an issue for a large number of the population. Moisturiser sales go through the roof, and people apply it religiously for months until spring arrives.

In this post, we look at the best winter skincare routine, as recommended by experts within dermatology. Follow these steps for brighter-looking hydrated skin throughout the wintery weather this Christmas season. 

Make Sure You Eat Well

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Rarely ever mentioned by anyone but absolutely key to healthy skin is that you need to eat well. Fish like salmon, mackerel and herring are packed full of Omega-3 fatty acids, which helps the skin become thick, supple and hydrated. 

Don't forget to eat plenty of plant foods too, such as:
  • Avocados
  • Walnuts
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Bell peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Tomatoes 
All the above are proven to help improve skin barrier and function to achieve healthier skin that is strong and hydrated.

The Winter Skincare Routine

So, how do you keep your skin looking and feeling its best when the winter chills creep in, and the humidity hits rock bottom? Just follow these simple steps.

Gentle Face Wash

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A gentle wash is the first line of defence against dry winter skin, but you must make sure the product you use is suitable for sensitive skin. Choose a hydrating cleanser that excludes soap, fragrance and oils. A mild cleanser will allow for a gentle wash that won't strip your skin of its natural oils, which are essential during winter.

Whatever cleanser you choose, make sure it's natural and look for the key ingredient; Glycerin. This is a natural compound derived from vegetable oils and will help keep your skin naturally soft and supple. 


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Moisturising is the most critical step. As the humidity drops in winter, your skin is left with less moisture and therefore, needs a good boost in hydration. Without this boost, your skin becomes vulnerable to the dry weather and will start to become dehydrated, irritated, and for some, cracked and damaged. 

You have a few options for moisturising that are all equally suitable for winter skincare. One of the most popular ingredients to focus on is ceramide. This essential fatty acid is key to boosting your skin's natural defence barrier and improving skin cell function. You will find tons of great moisturiser products that include ceramides as the main ingredient. 

Other moisturisers may use a combination of ceramide and other moisturising ingredients such as the increasingly popular hyaluronic acid, which is a gooey-type substance naturally produced by your body. Hyaluronic acid has the incredible ability to draw moisture up to the surface of your skin, allowing your skin to stay hydrated for longer. Ceramide can then lock that moisture in, making the two a the perfect couple for winter skin treatment. 

An emerging trend in moisturising is the DIY beauty movement. Creating your own tailor-made moisturiser that is unique to your skin's every need has been a successful pursuit for many across the world. All you need are the cosmetic ingredients, including a base cream, essential oils, active ingredients and any antioxidants. You can choose the most beneficial ingredients for your skin type or any skin issues you may have. The result? The perfect moisturiser made just for you. 

Sun Cream

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Just because you can't see the sun in winter, doesn't mean it's not affecting your skin. There's very little difference between UV exposure during winter and summer. Therefore, dermatologists recommended that you use sunscreen during winter. Most moisturisers now come with an SPF content, but you can also use a separate sunscreen on top of your moisturiser. 

Key ingredients to look out for include Vitamin E and Photolyase contained in a zinc-based cream. Vitamin E helps to protect the skin from UV rays, while the Photolyase will help heal damaged skin in the process. 


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Finally, a serum is like the cherry on the top. Choose one with antioxidants proven to help fight inflammation and brighten your skin. You may even glow this winter!

Most serums contain a mix of peptides and botanicals. These work together to boost your skin's production of collagen, which helps to improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin. And, if you can find a serum that contains Vitamin C, you will benefit from the extra effect of collagen formation that may help to repair any damage to your skin during the winter.

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