
Friday 18 December 2020

5 Ways To Spice Up A Long Distance Relationship

Long distance relationships can be very difficult to sustain. While you may be able to talk every day over the phone or via video call, this could start to get boring after a while if you’re unable to find new things to talk about. By getting creative, you can find new exciting ways to keep the spark alive. Below are just five ways in which you can spice up a long distance relationship. 

Go on virtual movie date together

One creative idea could be to watch a movie together. Handy tools like Netflix Party allow you to stream a movie at exactly the same time as someone else. Combine this with a zoom call and it could feel like you’re having a movie date in person. You could even plan a virtual movie marathon together. Make sure to grab some popcorn!

Play online games together

Online games can be a great way to feel as if you’re interacting with one another. On top of video games, there are plenty of traditional board games and card games that you can play virtually using apps and websites. You could plan out your own virtual games night together and try out a variety of games. You can still talk to each other via video call while playing. 

Send surprise gifts

Surprise gifts could be a great way to keep the romance alive. One idea could be to send your partner some flowers - there are sites that allow you to send international flowers to recipients that could be perfect if your partner is in another country. Alternatively, you could send small gifts like boxes of chocolates, bottles of wine or bath bombs. These could be accompanied by a personalised message on a tag.

Send love letters

In this age of digital communication, it’s easy to send someone a soppy paragraph via email or text. It may not seem like there’s much use in sending physical love letters nowadays, however they can often have more of an impact by giving your partner something they can physically keep onto. The fact that you’ve gone to the effort to write and post it will also show a greater level of commitment. You could accompany the letter with a surprise gift to make it even more special. 

Make plans together for when you meet

You can keep each other excited about meeting up by making plans together during your calls. You could have fun discussing all kinds of date ideas and all the places you may be able to go. You could even start booking activities together while talking to one another to help you get excited for your time together. 

Just make sure that you don’t schedule too many plans - especially if you’re only likely to have a window of a week or two together in person. After a long period of being away from one another a lazy day at home together may be all that you need.

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