
Saturday 7 November 2020

Crystal Vita Elixir Water Bottles

Nothing makes drinking water a little more interesting and pretty than a Water Bottle which grabs your attention and these Crystal Vibez water bottles definitely do that.
Crystal Elixir Water Bottles
Crystals are something I have read up on and have been fascinated with for many years, I even have my own set of Crystals which are placed around house for the benefits that they brings. It is also known that the ancient Egyptians, Indian and Romans used crystals to make healing elixirs to fix a whole host of ailments and problems, so to that end, you might have also heard them called or referred to as being an elixir of life.

Each crystal is quite unique and each one has a different healing ability, so to that end, choosing your crystal is important and something that shouldn't be done on a whim, instead, many say your crystal will often choose you, rather than you choose it.  The same can be said for Water Bottles such as these.

Drinking water is a matter of survival, your body needs it.  Whether you like it or not, there are many ways to ensure your water tastes nicer or looks nicer, but we can't escape the science that being hydrated is good for your body organs, for the flushing of toxins, for your mind, your sanity and your health - without it, your body simply does not work properly.  
Crystal Elixir Water BottlesSo bringing together both Crystals and Water and combining them in Water Bottles, such as these from Crystal Vibez can help in all manor of different ways - for a start they remove the need for plastic bottled water, they are pretty and will encourage you to drink more and most importantly their healing properties, especially when placed in water.

Crystal Vibez ensure that they ethically source their crystals and the glass bottles, which are made from Borosilicate have a choice of Bamboo, Copper of Silver dome bottles.  Once you have chosen your bottle, there is then your choice of crystal and again, it is important you choose the one which is right for you.  

This is a brief introduction to crystals.
  • Amethyst - This  is a powerful and protective stone with a high vibration. It helps to protect against psychic attacks and can enhance the memory as well as assist in deeper understanding when you meditate. 
  • Black ObsidianThis stone is great in assisting you to wash away the stress and disharmony that has built up in your day to day life, ridding you of fear, anger and resentment.
  • Black Tourmaline - This stone is commonly used for grounding spiritual energy and clearing and balancing all the chakras. It is a stone that provides good protection and shields the body during meditation
  • CitrineThis makes it a powerful cleanser and re-generator.  it provides warmth and energy.  It is what we would call a good all round crystal as it can raise self esteem as well as motivate and revitalise the mind. 
  • Clear Quartz - Quartz is one of the most powerful crystals for healing and amplifying energy. It is a good crystal for balancing energy and also unblocking energy and so it commonly used in acupuncture.
  • Dreamy Purple - This crystal has abilities to turn your from upside down and ease your mind away from anything that may be pulling you down in life. Dreamy purple calms nerves in difficult times and stops overthinking and negative thoughts. Dreamy purple helps with workaholics, encouraging individuals who don't make enough "me" time to switch off and relax, even if only for a few vital moments.
  • Green Aventurine - This is a positive stone of prosperity. It helps mental healing and protects against electromagnetic pollution that can be created through everyday electronic devices. As it assists in mental healing it is a good crystal to calm anger and irritation. 
  • Green Fluorite- Fluorite clears the fog and helps one to focus. Fluorite brings calm and order in a sometimes chaotic world. It brings hormones into balance and also heals all heart based issues.
  • Labradorite - Often referred to as the Rainbow Moonstone because of its unique colours, this crystal banishes fears and anxiety and strengthens faith in oneself and in the universe. Labradorite soothes an overactive mind, nurturing calm, sense of grounding and clarity. It strengthens intuition and will, and has many physical healing properties.
  • Rose QuartzRose quartz helps to heal a sufferer of a broken heart, any kind of neglect or traumatic incident revolving around love. But it is also a very soothing and calming crystal known to bring forth peace and tranquillity.
  • Smokey Quartz - Smokey Quartz balances and gives stability of mind, empowering courage and inner strength. It boosts self confidence, elevates mood and helps to overcome life's tough obstacles and emotional blockages. Smokey Quartz also aids with creativity and problem solving.
Once you have chosen your bottle and your crystal, the idea being that putting them into and around water goes back to those original roots I mentioned back at beginning of these post.  Some believe that once you have charged your crystal, be that with the sun or the moonlight, the vibrations from the crystals infuse and alter the molecular structure of water after approximately 7 minutes.

These bottles are priced around £43.99, here and rise in price depending on the size. 

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