
Wednesday 23 September 2020

Willful Smart Watch - Apple iWatch Dupe

I love my iPhone and for years I’ve listed after an iWatch but can’t ever seem to justify the price, they are mega expensive but then everyone I know who has one just raves about it. Anyway, browsing on Amazon, as you do... it’s like the middle aisle of Aldi half the time and before you know it, items arrive that you have forgotten about! That’s what happened with the Willful Smart Watch.
Willful Smart Watch - Apple iWatch Dupe
Willful Smart Watch - Apple iWatch Dupe
Watches are not something I wear, you can ask my mister and he will tell you about the watches I have but never remember to wear or never got a new battery for! But, since this one arrived I haven’t taken it off my wrist unless I am bathing or washing up.

It comes available in the shades black, green, grey, pink, purple and blue, the best part... replacement straps cost just £7.99 and the watch is less than £40 here*! But what is it’s point? Well it is a smart watch, not an Apple Watch by any means, it doesn’t come close, but it’s pretty blooming good. Plus there an app called VeryFitPro which works with iOs and android phones, so you can set up what you want the watch to tell you, which alerts you want and it reminds you to charge it when the battery is getting low too.

This watch has a lot of features starting with its 1.3 inch TFT-LCD clear display, full touch screen. Once charged, it keeps its charge for 7 days before the need to recharge it - amazing when you think it is active 24 hours a day 7 days a week. But then we have all this:

All Day Activity Health Data
This watch records daily data such as steps walked, distance covered and calorie burned from that. It also records your sleep quality whether it is a deep sleep or a light sleep, how long you have been asleep and how long during the night you are awake.  Add to that it also has 9 exercise modes which provide reference data for your daily health analysis and improvement.

My watch is set to encourage me to walk 10,000 steps a day and when I achieve that goal it vibrates on my wrist with a little graphic to let me know this has been achieved.  On the app it tells you how many steps over a week, month or year with a graph, so again you can track your activity.

Real Time Heart Rate Monitoring
Again, this watch will automatically recognise the heart rate which it does by using advanced sensor technology. With mine I can see my resting heart rate and find it quite soothing to watch the red heart as it flickers. You can also see your average heart rate and maximum heart rate too.  
Willful Smart Watch - Apple iWatch Dupe
Willful Smart Watch - Apple iWatch Dupe
When used with the app, you can track your daily, weekly or even monthly changes.

Stay Connected to Your Day
As well as the fitness tracking abilities, this watch also helps you to be connected to your phone but without needing to be on your phone all the time. It connects to your phones bluetooth, so if your phone is off or out of signal, it doesnt work.  But when it does, the watch will vibrate to alert to you phone calls, SMS messages, Whatsapp messages and even Facebook Messenger as well as Skype, Instagram and Twitter - all of these depending on which settings you choose. 

It's Waterproof
You can use it when you are washing hands, sweating or when it is raining. It is not suitable for hot water, saunas or environments with large variation of temperature

One its best features is that you don't need to touch or tap it to see the watch screen, a simple lift up of your wrist will light up the screen so you can see the date, time and any messages which have come through and how much battery life you have left.

I think it is fair to say that I am really, really impressed with this watch. I was never quite sure a smartwatch was for me, thinking it would be too much hassle or add further stress to my life, but it doesn’t. Infact I’m not even sure how I have managed without it, because I now don’t need to be glued to my phone waiting for messages - it alerts me to them and I can read them on my screen and see who they are from, it lets me know if my phone is ringing and naturally it tells the time - something I had become too reliant on my iPhone for.

Is there a catch? Actually for me absolutely not. For £36.99 via Amazon* what you get is an amazing watch that does what I want it to do and I absolutely love it.

Willful Smart Watch - Apple iWatch Dupe

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