
Thursday 6 August 2020

Home Renovations - The Hallway

I have enjoyed sharing some of my hopes and wants for renovating our home on my blog, admittedly the majority of my ideas stem from Pinterest where I can lose hours procrastinating over what I can do to my little sanctuary to make it even better.
Home Renovations - The Hallway
After renovating the bathroom due to a leak, which also spread to the hallway and damaged the ceiling, a wall and the floor, we had a choice to make. We either patched up the damage and hoped for the best, or we did an entire re-plaster, repaint, sort the floor out job and do it properly the first time so it would last longer.

So we opted to do everything properly the first time round. The walls are re-painted white so add as much light as we can, the engineered wood flooring has been sanded down and varnished, though I had hoped to change it, other issues became more of a priority like a new front door.  So by sanding and varnishing, we have managed to save the floor.  

That just left the walls, having re-plastered and then painted, we now had the option to create a feature wall with photos and other memories to display. So,  having ordered a whole lot of picture frames which are all the same but different sizes, we have just started to create it and I am pretty impressed with how it is taking shape and if you follow me on Instagram, you will have seen sneak peaks as to how it is shaping up.

All we have left to do now is gloss the skirting boards (does anyone actually like this job), get a new internal door mat and then decide on a shoe rack, something that isn't too wide/takes up too much space.

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