
Saturday 6 June 2020

10 Mental Health Benefits of an Organised Bedroom & Home Office.

10 Mental Health Benefits of an Organised Bedroom & Home Office.
At the start of lockdown, I am sure, like most people, I wasn't the only one who wrote an entire list of things to do. Things that I had been meaning to do around the house, but had never quite got round to doing - everything from changing a lightbulb to fixing a door handle, cleaning out the oven, hoover and more besides.  It is reported that taking control of your home space can be really positive for your mindset.

Knowing I was going to be spending a lot more time at home for the foreseeable future meant that those breaks I would take at work to go and make a drink or chat to my colleagues, now meant I could do something else in that time - put the washing away, put the washing machine on, wash up, hoover and so on, the jobs that would be waiting for me when I got home from work and over the weekend. With two of us working from home, we needed space to sit with two laptops, phones and all kinds of cable and electrical equipment now needing space. So we decided one of us would sit in the lounge and the other in the bedroom and alternate, but that also meant a serious declutter and re-organisation.

I have a Futon Company Lap Table in place of a desk because we don't have the space for a desk/table anywhere. So in the lounge, we made a few changes which included tidying up the bookshelves, donating what we no longer needed to local charity shops (before they closed). Then for the things we really don't need to have around, especially during the daytime, The Works had a huge sale and I managed to pick up some amazing storage boxes, which come in a huge variety of shapes, sizes and patterns. We've used them we have put paperwork, beauty products and items that needed a home, so they're all out of the way, stored and labelled, so if there is something we need, we know where to find them.  Then in the bedroom, the wardrobes had a decluttering and there was a lot of moving furniture around and ensuring there was and still is enough room, light and space to work.

So why did we do all of this? Working from home isn't a new thing for either of us, we do it occasionally, when we have a lot of paperwork or reports to get through and you want to avoid distractions, for me, it means working from home for a day or two and then heading back to the office, but neither of us has done it for longer periods of time. It is also said that it is good for your health and mental health and these are the following reasons why:

1 - Helps to reduce stress. Seeing visual lists of things to do can be stressful, sitting here with an excel spreadsheet of data whilst out of the corner of my eye I can see a pile of washing waiting to be done isn't constructive. By ensuring it is being washed or is in the wash basket out of sight, does make me feel more relaxed.

2 - Reduced Anxiety. Messy homes, desks and spaces can make you feel overwhelmed. I know if my desk is covered with paperwork, stationery and books really makes me feel on edge, so it has to be tidy. Same for the bedroom, working in there during the daytime means I have to ensure clothing is put away, hung up, drawers are closed and then my day can begin. 

3 - Focus. Having a tidy desk space or work area is more likely to keep you focused and stop your mind wandering. I find that the less 'stuff' I have on my desk, the less chance there is of my drifting off to other things.

4 - Increase in Mindfulness - Knowing that the decluttering I have done has gone to help others does give you a sense of pride but equally, it makes you think about what and how much stuff you physically need at any one time.

5 - Reduce the mental load. When you are sitting, working, reading or even just lazing in the bath and your mind is wandering at 100mph with all of the things you still have to do. By working through your list of things to do, it does help to lighten that load.

6 - Sleep Better. I am the worst sleeper and there is nothing that keeps you awake at night more than wondering if you did this or that. Being organised and on top of your things to do, gives you that time to relax and wind down.

7 - More YOU time. I make the point of having at least one hour a week to myself to relax in the bath, have a lie in, read a book, play popular online slots or a bit of a pamper session, but I only feel really relaxed if I have nothing else that I feel I should be doing. 

8 - Family Time. Not spending the entire weekend doing all of the small jobs you could have done during the week, means you have more time to spend with your loved one, with friends, the cats and doing things you really enjoy.

9 - Eating. I have noticed that if I am on top of things around the house, I am not grabbing a biscuit here and there, I take the time to make a sandwich or a meal and not snack. 

10 - Exercise. Cleaning and organisation within the home is a great workout. I have been unable to do a lot of exercise owing to an ankle injury, so my cardio comes from housework and it is amazing how much of a workout you can get from emptying those kitchen cupboards, cleaning them and then restocking them. Since the lockdown, I have managed to clear out all of my kitchen cupboards and I was absolutely worn out afterwards, but it felt so good.

I know we all strive to be as tidy as Marie Kondo and as obsessed with cleaning as Mrs Hinch, but for some, it just isn't a reality. So, I started by having a list of things to do and slowly and surely worked my way through it - clearing out cupboards, tidying away paperwork right down to hanging some pictures on the wall which lived in boxes we didn't need cluttering us up. If you need to start somewhere then Youtube is full of helpful videos!
10 Mental Health Benefits of an Organised Bedroom & Home Office.

How have you coped with working from home?

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