
Monday 2 March 2020

BetterYou Magnesium Skincare

Ever on the quest to better my health and wellbeing, I wrote a blog post dedicated to products which help you relax and wind down and in some cases aid better and much deeper sleep.   One ingredient that is often overlooked, yet it's a vital nutrient is Magnesium.

Magnesium is responsible for 325 chemical reactions inside the body and helps support calcium absorption, maintenance of normal bones and teeth, normal psychological function, and healthy functioning of the nervous system. Magnesium also helps improve rest and recovery by contributing to a reduction in tiredness and fatigue, electrolyte balance and supports normal energy-yielding metabolism.
BetterYou Magnesium Skincare

Over the last few weeks, I have been using some products from the BetterYou Magnesium range. Transdermal, or through the skin, is the ultimate way to replenish magnesium levels when compared to a tablet or capsule consumption. Applied directly to the skin, magnesium is very quickly absorbed into the epidermis, through blood vessels and then to the muscles beneath. In doing this, the digestive system is completely bypassed and the absorption much better.

The first product to catch my attention from my package was the BetterYou Magnesium Flakes. I talk a lot about how much I enjoy bathing and I absolutely love bath salts, so these flakes intrigued me immensely. These flakes are designed to be added to your bath and in doing so they help soothe tired and aching muscles. Magnesium bath flakes, which are sometimes referred to as magnesium bath salts, are a highly concentrated form of magnesium supplementation.

BetterYou Magnesium Skincare
It is said that soaking in a magnesium-rich bath not only helps promote relaxation but it also helps to soothe tired and aching muscles. I find being in water soothing, whether I am feeling tired, anxious, stressed or run down, one of the places I want to escape to is the bath so I can close out the world and just spend some time thinking about myself.  When I am stressed, I notice it across my shoulders which become tight and painful and whilst I should make more time for a massage, these flakes do work wonders for aches and pains especially menstrual pains, move over hot water bottle!

For reference, the magnesium used within Magnesium Flakes has been naturally purified over 250 million years to guarantee it is free from man-made pollutants and heavy metals.

The second product within my package is the BetterYou Magnesium Gel and it provides a regulated release of magnesium for sustained delivery, making it ideal for use during exercise and after exercise.
BetterYou Magnesium Skincare

I have become quite a fan of this gel for backache, something I've suffered from for years. I am not someone who reaches for pain meds unless I feel like I am at death's door, I would rather let my body do what it is designed to do without intervention, but sometimes this backache is just too much to handle. So instead of reaching for painkillers, I opted to rub a pea-sized amount of this gel onto my lower back as advised and it does help to relieve that muscular tension which twinges. Just 1ml of gel delivers a minimum of 100mg of optimally absorbable elemental magnesium.

If a gel isn't your thing, then BetterYou also has a Magnesium Oil Body Spray which as the name denotes, comes packaged inside a handy pump spray bottle. 

BetterYou Magnesium Skincare

This Magnesium Oil Body Spray is described as being a saturated solution of ancient seabed magnesium chloride, one of the most soluble of all magnesium compounds. Formulated for topical use, BetterYou Zechstein Magnesium commences absorption immediately when massaged into the skin helping to promote overall wellbeing and natural relaxation.  Depending on where you have muscular aches, you only need a few sprays of this oil to massage onto the skin and whilst it isn't greasy it also doesn't leave a film on the skin either. I find this really useful for cramps, the ones which wake you up in the middle of the night in agony!

The BetterYou Magnesium Body Lotion is a lightweight body lotion which uses magnesium oil and other skin ingredients which are designed to revive and replenish skin as well as improve elasticity and overall skin health.
BetterYou Magnesium Skincare

Formulated using 100% natural coconut oil, shea butter and vitamin E, this body lotion is perfect for using after a hot bath or shower as your pores are open, so it aids absorption. What I like about this lotion is how it leaves my skin feeling after I have used it, very much hydrated and smooth to the touch.

The final product in my package is the BetterYou Magnesium Body Butter and this is simply divine to use and a great alternative to the body lotion if you have a preference.

BetterYou Magnesium Skincare
As with the body lotion, this butter is a nourishing blend of BetterYou MagnesiumOil with shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil and vitamin E, which again helps revive and replenish skin as well as improve elasticity and overall skin health.  Again, it is perfect for using after a hot bath or shower as your pores are open, so it aids absorption and is ideal to be used on joints, muscles and other areas of concern.

I am really glad I was able to use this collection and the stand out for me are the Magnesium flakes which I just adore using and they are the one product I feel does the best for me and then the body butter which I have been applying after showering or bathing.  Prices for this range, which you can find in Holland and Barrett from £2.99 upwards to around £12.

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