
Saturday 1 February 2020

Winter hair care tips

Like my skincare routine, I change my hair care throughout the year depending on the weather.  I have what is called combination hair and that means I have greasy roots and dry ends and whilst I have never quite found the perfect product that will deal with both issues, I have, over the years learnt a few tips which help.
Winter hair care tips
The use of central heating can play havoc with our skin, scalp and hair. Moving from hot temperatures to cold temperatures is a breeding ground for havoc, as is wearing a hat. And whether it is your own natural hair or you’ve just come from the hair transplant clinic, you’ll need to give it the treatment that leaves it looking just perfect. So along with looking after my combination hair, here are just a few tips and I would love to know if you have any to offer too.
  • Hair Trim - I have my hair trimmed every 8-9 weeks on average, sometimes I go a bit longer and again, judging on how I feel about my hair, it could be a good few months before I step into a salon. Over the past few years, I have stopped highlighting my hair and have instead opted for more of a Balayage hair colour which I find much easier to look after and if I do decide to go for longer periods of time between having that trim, I don't have the stress of roots to think about and naturally having your hair regularly trimmed helps to keep your hair in good condition.
  • Sulphate Free - my hair prefers shampoos which are sulphate free and shampoos such as crazy colour red shampoo and Maria Nila are two really good options.
  • Wet Hair - I learnt during my teens that wold and wet weather can really have an effect on my hair and whilst I am not someone who wears a hat and am often loathed to use my hood, keeping your hair and scalp clean and hydrated is an absolute must.  I never ever leave the house with wet hair, I was once told that if your hair is wet and the temperature is below freezing you are at a greater risk of breakages and snapping, so this has always been a no-no from me.  So my hairdryer becomes my best friends if I do need to leave the house.
  • Heat Care - I love my GHD's and whilst I don't own a Dyson hairdryer (yet) because I have a lot of a hair, the hairdryer is my go too if I haven't got time to wait around for my hair to dry naturally.  A few years ago, I was introduced to the Aquis Towel which really has made a difference in how quickly I can dry my hair and not have the dryer on the highest heat setting to get ready quick. Add to that, I have also stopped using my curling tongs so much and have instead learnt to embrace my natural waves.
  • Washing Hair - Tempting though it is to come in from the cold outside and hop into a hot shower and wash your hair to warm up, hot water can dry out your hair and your scalp which can lead to all sorts of problems.  When I am not well or stressed, my scalp turns from being calm to a flaking itchy mess and over the years, I have learnt that actually, I can use much cooler water to wash my hair in. 
  • Hair Care - I love a good pamper session and for me, a Sunday is usually that one day of the week where I get an hour or two of uninterrupted bliss (except the cat wanting to know why he can't sit on the side of the bath and attack the bubbles). During this time, I ensure I use a scalp scrub or hair mask to add extra TLC to my routine.  Regular readers to my blog will have seen reviews on may different scalp masks and scrubs over the past few years.
  • The final change I have made to my hair care routine is sleeping on a silk pillowcase, something I was entirely sceptical about until I tried it for myself. Helping to reduce friction and frizz, gone are those mornings when I wake up with hair that is painfully knotty to deal with and instead, hair that is as smooth now as it was when I got in to bed.
Taking care of my hair is as important to me as my skincare routine and I would love to know what tips you have to ensure your hair is looked after during the winter.

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