
Monday 17 February 2020

Products to help you sleep

If you follow me on Instagram then you will have probably noticed a bit of a pattern, if you have noticed that pattern then you, like me, have a little trouble staying asleep or nodding off to sleep.  Over the years I have tried quite a few different routines, not having caffeine after certain times to eventually not having it at all, unless there is an occasion when I really feel like it. Getting a good night's sleep is really important and I miss my teens when I could sleep for 16-18 hours with no effort.
Products to help you sleep
Before looking at products, it’s important to correct any issues that may be preventing you from shutting off at night. Financial worries will naturally keep you up at night. Using a house calculator to check that you can afford the property you are planning to move into can put your mind at ease. There is also the bed you sleep in, beds such as a Stone TV bed, could be the one to provide you with the comfiest nights sleep. Meanwhile, you should keep other financial matters under control. On a side note, too much screen time before bed may be holding you back. 

However, even those steps won’t guarantee a great night’s rest.

So over the last few weeks and in some cases months, I have been trying out some amazing products from across quite a few brands to see whether or not they have any effect whatsoever on my ability to sleep, some have had mixed reactions and responses and others have surprised me.

The first brand is Dr Teals, not a brand I am personally familiar with but is one I have heard of. Dr Teal’s state that they are one of the fastest-growing wellness brands aligned with a healthy and active lifestyle. If you didn't know, they have a range of products from Epsom Salts to Foaming Baths which help promote self-care in your everyday.
Products to help you sleep
Products to help you sleep
I have been using the Dr Teals Soothe & Sleep  (£9.99). With Lavender range and it is said that the calming and soothing scent of Lavender helps your body and mind de-stress and unwind naturally, promoting a better night’s sleep.   I love the scent of Lavender, especially if it is a fresh scent and as soon as I opened the box containing the bath salts and the foaming bath, the first that hits you is that soothing scent of Lavender.    I decided to use both the salts and the Foaming Bath together, having used them separately and it is here that I found they made the most difference.  As soon as the bathwater was running, I used two cups of bath salts and a generous amount, as advised, of the Foaming Bath and let the products work together and settle before climbing into the bath. The immediate sense of relaxation was quite quick and after around 20 minutes I could feel myself beginning to get sleepy, so at this point, I got out of the bath.  Not expecting to feel so relaxed as I did, I expected to nod off to sleep after getting into bed only to wake up again a few hours later, only I didn't. Instead of waking up around 1-2am, it was 5am, so I unusually got almost a full nights sleep, which for me had been around 4 hours and now it was 6!

It has long been advised that a mist is worth trying and I have been using the Tropic Skincare So Sleepy Pillow Mist. So Sleepy is described as being 'the ultimate bedside companion for an easy, restful night's beauty sleep' and it uses a blend of essential oils which includes eucalyptus, rose geranium, frankincense, chamomile, rosewood and rosemary alongside lavender. 
Products to help you sleep
These essential oils have been specifically chosen because in turn they all have calming, stress-relieving properties, to help relax the mind, so perfect for those of us with a busy lifestyle because it helps you to unwind and relax in the evening. So Sleepy does differ from many of the Pillow Mists I have tried because it isn't just designed for those who need to relax, calm down or drift off to sleep, instead, it works to promote a deeper, more restful sleep so everyone can enjoy that energised feeling when your alarm sounds.   Again, I have been using this product for around a month and whilst it is calming and relaxing, whether the sleep I have had is deeper and more restful I am yet to decide.  Priced at £20 you can find So Sleepy Pillow Mist.

I absolutely love candles, you'll find them featured a lot on my blog because I believe they really do create a more relaxing and soothing atmosphere if you choose the right one for your need.  From Kiss Air Candles, I have been using the Sleepy Head scented candle. 
Products to help you sleep
Sleep Head uses a calming blend of lavender, chamomile and vanilla help you relax and unwind ready for a restful night's sleep.  It is vegan and vegetarian-friendly and is handmade using natural soy wax and cotton wicks and has a burn time of up to 35 hours.  Again, if you are not a fan of the scent of Lavender then a candle such as Sleepy Head is definitely one I would recommend because although it is an ingredient, it isn't a dominant scent.  I found that once this candle was alight, the aroma of Chamomile is by far the strongest scent but with a hint of Lavender and it is absolutely wonderful.  This is the candle I had burning in the bathroom as I settled down to enjoy some 'me time' with some bubbles and a book, it is relaxing, it does help you to wind down and you might even find the yawning is brought on as the fragrance drifts into each room of your house.  Priced at £14.

Inhale and exhale are two words I am hearing a lot about right now and Go2 is a brand which fits perfectly into this conversation.  Go2 Inhaler sticks are available in 4 different varieties and whilst I have all 4 of them, for the purpose of this post, the Sleep Stick is the one I was most intrigued by.
Products to help you sleep
Inhalation is said to be one of the most effective ways of getting the benefits of Essential Oils. Different aromas can trigger the desired emotion, to that extent Sleep Stick is designed to help promote your quality of sleep, assisting to help give you a deeper and better sleep. Using Lavender, Red Mandarin and Frankincense as the three main essential oils, all of which are knowing for their relaxing, soothing and ability to promote the sense of inner peace and contentment.  To use, the advice is to place the GO2 stick closely under your nostril, hold the opposite nostril closed and then inhale slowly and deeply. I tend to count to three and then switch nostril. With Sleep Stick there is an instant hit of the essential oils in one hit and whilst I have only been used to using an inhaler when I have a deep cold and therefore not really able to smell much, I really liked the sensation from this and again, the inhale, exhale technique is really beneficial and it was relaxing especially after having had a long day in the office and I just wanted time out.  Priced at just £3.99, I think these Inhaler Sticks are great value for money and there will shortly be a review of the rest of the range on my blog.

I have mentioned Silk Pillowcases quite a few times on this blog now, life-changing is what they are, but today sees the turn of the Silk Sleep Eye Masks from Phoebe Grace (£50). Phoebe-Grace was established in London and is a British designed luxury leisurewear brand and the foundation of the brand is to re-invent luxe leisurewear by creating a connection between comfort and chic sophistication.
Products to help you sleep
Products to help you sleep
I have used many sleep masks over the years, some have been heated, some have been made of cotton and other materials, this one is made from 100% silk and is designed with a Cactus pattern, which I absolutely love.  I am one of those people who needs to have absolute darkness to sleep, any crack of light and I am awake, so a sleep mask is a must.

One of my grips with sleep masks is that many are uncomfortable owing to their fastenings, some have a knot which sits uncomfortably at the back of the head, some get tangled in your hair if you move about a lot in your sleep, some slip down your face and there have been many a time when I have woken up in a panic that there is something on my face.  What I love about this mask is firstly it covers the entirety of your eyes and sits comfortably either side of the nose without feeling too tight.   

As regular readers will know, I am a huge fan of bath salts and the Westlab Sleep Bath Salts (£6.99) have been quite the revelation and I can't believe I've never tried them until now.
Products to help you sleep
These bath salts are made using 100% pure Epsom and Dead Sea Salts and when added to your bath, their aim is to create the relaxing bath that helps prepare you for a peaceful night's sleep. It is said that a bathing ritual before bed can help encourage a deep, restorative night’s sleep.  These vegan bath salts are enhanced with Lavender and Jasmine which together create one incredible fragrance and within these bath salts, they promote calmness as well as work to soothe the mind.  What I really like is the addition of Valerian, an ingredient you don't really see used in many products and within this one, it works to help promote a deeper more restful sleep.   As soon as the salts come into contact with hot water, the fragrance from the essential oils quickly fills the room creating one of the most relaxing scents I have come across with bath salts and it is relaxing and it is definitely calming.  At the time of using these salts I had one of the worst colds I had had for some time, so sleep was something I really wanted after a few nights of being awake coughing. Thankfully, sleep came a lot easier than I was expecting and for longer than I had been having in a few weeks!

Staying with bath products, Dr Hauschka isn't a brand I know a lot about but having tried the Moor Lavender Calming Bath Essence (£17), I definitely feel I need to know more about the brand.
Products to help you sleep
I am at my happiest in water, perhaps being a water sign has something to do with this, but if I am not well, feel stressed or am anxious, an hour in the bath and it generally sees me right. Within this Bath Essence from Dr Hauschka, it is described as being "a welcome treat to come home to at the end of a demanding day or whenever you are feeling agitated, restless or cold" and I couldn't wait to give it a try. Alongside Almond and Avocado Oil which moisturises and hydrate the skin, this Bath Essence also uses the key ingredients of Moor extract with almond and jojoba oils gently moisturise and fortify skin, horse chestnut and horsetail extracts and of course Lavender essential oil which helps to calm skin redness and sensitivity while imparting feelings of care and protection.  If you want to relax and wind down, this really is a wonderful bath essence to do that with, the fresh Lavender scent is quite special and I just love how my skin feels once I am out of the bath.

As well as sleeping with an eye mask on, I also love to use other types of eye masks, notably the Starry Eyes Self-warming eye mask.
Products to help you sleep
These masks are described as being 'a calm in a pouch', and it is designed to give you that 20 minute break from life, the chance to lie and relax and think of no-one but yourself. Made from non woven cotton, not only is this mask easy to wear, it features loops which fit over your ears to help hold it in place. The mask works once it has come into contact with the air as the iron powder inside heat cells reacts with oxygen in the air causing it to heat up gently. The mask reaches a maximum temperature of 100.4 F or 38 C and stays at this temperature for at least 20 minutes.  The perfect treat after a busy day and even better to use just after getting into bed before relaxing into a slumber.

The final product within my little better sleep stash is something we always have in the bathroom cabinet. Olverum Bath Oil (£35), which I featured hereis described as being a unique and highly concentrated, therapeutic bath oil which contains 10 pure essential oils, carefully blended to work synergistically.
Products to help you sleep
I love to use this oil when I am feeling under the weather or have a cold because it shakes the cold right out of you. Using ingredients such as Siberian Fir Essence, Lavendin, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Rosemary, Exotic Verbena, True Lavender, Lime, Juniper and Geranium together they create quite the fragrance.  Using just 1-2 drops which turns your bathroom in a home spa with that fresh fragrance, the oil is non-greasy, so there is no chance of slipping as you lower yourself into the water.  Once in the water, again inhale and exhale become your best friend as the vapours from the essential oils help to clear block sinuses, help with headaches, sore and aching muscles -  a literal hug in a bottle and because it is so highly concentrated, you need just a little at any one time.

Finally, we come to massage and there are two products that both the mister and I have been giving a try too. The first comes from Tisserand with the Total De-Stress Massage and Body Oil.  
Products to help you sleep
Described as being a calming body oil that is designed to still the mind and soothe the senses, used a unique blend of lavender, marjoram and mandarin essential oils which help to soothe, restore and restore. Added to that blend are the vitamin and antioxidant-rich omega 6 and 9 blend. As a massage and body oil, it does help to have your loved one apply and massage your shoulder knots, back pain or even just because 'why not'! I adore the scent of this oil, it is definitely a relaxing blend and when it is on the skin, it feels silky smooth and not overly runny.

Then the final product is the Gtech MYO Touch Massage Bed and there is a full review of this coming to my blog shortly, but I had to include it here. Staying with the massage theme, this bed gives you the ability to have some time out, a bit of me time and have a massage at home within your own surroundings.
Products to help you sleep
This is probably one of the most amazing products I have ever had the pleasure to review and I love that I have the control as to how intense I want the massage to be, where I want that massage to take place and currently I love using it on my upper back and deltoids. 

Having shared so many amazing products in one post which I have been lucky to try, what I have realised that the ability to wind down and calm before bedtime is an absolute must, the difference it makes to my sleep pattern is adding an extra hour or two to it, that in itself is absolutely invaluable, now I just need to figure out to stay asleep and high up on my list is the change of bed, mattress and pillow to see if that improves my sleep pattern any further as both my bed and mattress are more than 12 years old  - oops!

Do you have any tips or products you absolutely swear by to help you get that full nights sleep?

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