
Thursday 6 February 2020

Heliotrope Ear Plugs

Looking after your health, especially your ears is possibly something we don't think too much about, yet it is such an important part of our body. Whilst your ear canals are self-cleaning, it is advised not to use a cotton bud and if you do suffer from too much wax in your ears, then seeking guidance for ear wax removal in London is advised.

When it comes to taking time out, I am usually found in a bath of bubbles with a book for a good hour and a bit on my own, with no interruptions (except the cat who insists on being with me) and it is pure bliss, but do you ever have those moments when you just want to take time out, block out as much of the world as you can and literally zone out? Well, I have been using these Heliotrope Ear Plugs (£20).
Heliotrope Ear Plugs
These Heliotrope earplugs are inspired by Hildegard von Bingen, a medieval superwoman who had profound insight into the healing effects of nature and the use of gemstones. 

Enjoy the healing effects of natural gemstones with our Heliotrope, also known as Bloodstone, Ear Plugs which are renowned for their power to ground you, relieve anxiety and clear toxins. 

I am all for trying products which help ground you and if they can do other things as well, then even more keen to give them a try.

Heliotrope Ear Plugs
Heliotrope Ear Plugs
To look at they do look rather large, but honestly, they are not. Instead, they are not only comfortable to wear, but they are also ergonomically designed making them comfortable to sleep in, should they ground you that much and it has happened to me a few times now. When you place them in your ears, the removal cord should be exposed to help with removal, but once you have put them in your ears, you will notice that they do help to partially reduce the sound which also helps with relaxation.

I loved the sound of these earplugs as soon as I read about them and couldn't wait to give them a try, they made an appearance in my Holistic Silk post (here) and they are such a great investment and definitely worth trying if you are looking to use something a little bit different to help with relaxation.

Do you have any tips for relaxing?

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