
Monday 27 January 2020

Why do we use plastic in the beauty industry?

According to The National Geographic, the beauty industry relies on plastic for many of its products. These products can be found in our day to day skincare and makeup regimes. With everything from deodorant to an eyeshadow palette or lipstick including some sort of plastic. 
Why do we use plastic in the beauty industry?
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The retailers amongst us are trying to make changes and be more eco-friendly! This will help drive sales back to that company as most of us strive towards living a more sustainable life. 

Why do we use plastic in the beauty industry?

For many years plastic has been used for pretty much every industry as it is durable and affordable and can be used for just about anything. However, the world is suffering one of the worst environmental crises on record, so making the step towards going plastic-free will be a huge benefit for the planet.

With plastic being cheap to produce, many businesses haven’t thought about using much else, until now. Customers of retailers are demanding they do better when it comes to cutting out the plastic in packaging.  

Companies that are already working towards a plastic-free future

Lush is renowned worldwide for its innovative solutions to make the brand completely cruelty free and environmentally friendly by creating products where possible without the packaging. With their shampoo, conditioner and soap bars being completely free of packaging.    

With popular healthy and beauty store Boots also taking the challenge to remove plastic from their products and stores. Alongside working on their online practices by creating a new distribution centre which specialises in sending out orders in a range of different custom sized boxes from Lil Packaging to make sure there is less waste.

An example of the type of boxes which Boots now use can be found here

The future of plastic in the beauty industry

With more brands facing the reality that plastic has on the environment, many are looking to make changes within their companies. E.g. looking for different packaging to put their skincare/makeup products in. Well, most brands are challenged looking for alternatives, some of which are still turning a blind eye to what is happening.

With some brands do choose to create fancy unboxing experiences for those who are going to feature them on social media, from a marketing standpoint. With more influencers working towards this change, will we see the trend of unboxing disappear?

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