
Wednesday 8 May 2019

Calcot Manor Country Spa Retreat Accessories

I have never been to a spa. Seriously. Never spent a weekend being pampered and whilst I always look in awe of those in my social media feed who are seemingly in the most amazing surroundings, there is something about home comforts which I adore.

Calcot Manor Country Spa Retreat is a luxury Cotswold Retreat which looks just absolutely stunning and offers everything you need for that ultimate switch off, pamper, de-stress and calm experience, not to mention an incredible food menu to boot.  But, if you can't make it to the spa, thankfully, the spa can come to you and I have been trying out a few products from the range over the last few weeks which I am sharing today.
Calcot Manor Country Spa Retreat
I am a big believer in using accessories which make your skincare work, a lesson I learnt a long time ago and here I have a whole host of products, which you can find in Tesco priced upwards from just £3.

The first one if the Cactus Bristle Body Brush (£7) and what I like about these brushes, an item I have had in my bathroom for years, is that you can use them wet or dry, depending on your preference.  
Calcot Manor Country Spa Retreat
Using this brush wet, you simply massage your skin using your favourite shower gel, lotion or potion of choice and what it does, is to help you reach those hard to reach places, which for me is the middle of my back.  I also use mine with an exfoliating body wash to ensure my back, the back of my legs, shoulders and rest of my body are really given a thorough work out.  To use the brush dry, I tend to grab a coffee scrub and massage it onto my skin and then use the brush in circular motions to really get things moving, it is a great way to help improve and increase your circulation.

The bristles are made from Cactus and are not overly abrasive on the skin, though if you apply too much pressure then you might feel a slight tug on the skin. It has a fairly long handle, so for me, it reaches the parts of my skin that I need it to without problems.

Next, we have the Super Moisture Bamboo Gloves and these are an incredible purchase for just £3 and if you see them in your local store or online, grab some. I have purchased an extra pair so I have a backup.
Calcot Manor Country Spa Retreat
Calcot Manor Country Spa Retreat
If you have really dry skin on your hands or if you want to simply give your hands a really good pampering, then these gloves tick those boxes.  To use, you grab your favourite hand cream, smoother your hands in it and then apply these gloves and then let the cream works its magic.  If you are pushed for time then you can wear these gloves for up to 20-30 minutes but for me, the best use is to wear them overnight.  As a treatment, I tend to wear these gloves overnight 1-2 times a week during the colder months and then once every other week in the summer months, unless I feel my hands need more TLC.

The Super Smoothing Scrub Mitt (£3.50) is a great alternative to a shower puff or body brush and I have really enjoyed using this one. 
Calcot Manor Country Spa Retreat
Calcot Manor Country Spa Retreat
Calcot Manor Country Spa Retreat
The glove fits over the hand and is a great way to exfoliate the skin. Again using natural Cactus Sisal, it isn't overly abrasive, but it does work incredibly well to remove dead and dry skin.  I use mine with my body lotion and if I feel I need to exfoliate some harder to remove skin, then I apply an exfoliating body scrub too.  The softer side of the glove is great for wiping down the skin after exfoliating and it is so soft and smooth and again, it helps to lather your body lotion and give your skin a really good clean.

When it comes to face products, I absolutely love to use a Muslin Cloth for cleansing with and from Calcot Manor I have a pack of two clothes (£3) and a double-sided Bamboo Face Cloth (£3).
Calcot Manor Country Spa Retreat
For me, a muslin cloth is a must have item in my skincare collection. I always have a surplus of them washed ready to be used and because I double cleanse every single day, I always use a balm as my cleanse and this is when I use them.  I find them incredibly good at helping to remove everything from my skin that the cleansing balm has just lifted and because they are slightly more abrasive than a flannel, they also gently exfoliate your skin at the same time. It was a Liz Earle event I attended some years back who encouraged me to use a Muslin Cloth with the Hot Polish Cleanser and I have stuck to using them ever since.
Calcot Manor Country Spa Retreat
The Muslin Cloths from Calcot Manor are so soft and smooth to the touch and do such an incredible job on my skin, much better than some of the more expensive cloths I have.

The final product is the Double-Sided Bamboo Face Cloth (£3) and it isn't something I had used before. It is made from luxuriously soft bamboo which has been delicately woven and on the skin, it feels just divine.
Calcot Manor Country Spa Retreat
Said to be naturally antibacterial, this cloth is great for using with a foaming cleanser and it brings that product to life and really does give your face a good deep clean. If you feel your skin needs a really good exfoliation, then the rougher side of the cloth is the one to use, whilst it does remove dead skin cells, it doesn't irritate or scratch the skin. I use my cloth a few times a month when my skin needs a really good work out and it is just brilliant.

For me, this has been a really good introduction to Calcot Manor Country Spa accessories and I am delighted they are all so readily available in Tesco and alongside these products is a whole host of others I am wanting to try.

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