
Wednesday 6 March 2019

Temple Spa Skincare Purification Deep Cleansing Mask

One of the Temple Spa products I have loved using as much as the Cleansing Melt (review here) is the Purification Deep Cleanse Mask. Described as being a highly effective anti-blemish and deep cleansing skin purifying clay mask, it is perfect for oily and congested skin.
Temple Spa Skincare Purification Deep Cleansing Mask
Temple Spa Skincare Purification Deep Cleansing Mask
This mask is a rich marine and land mud mask and its purpose is to give a professional deep cleanse.  To do that, it helps to banish blocked pores, breakouts, blackheads, and oily skin.  It has three key ingredients which are worthy of a mention and they include:
  • Tea Tree, something that isn't universally loved by all, myself included if it is too strong, but otherwise I quite like it. Tea Tree helps to reduce redness and calm razor burns and ingrown hair. It helps decongest and promotes tissue healing while reducing oil production. it also contains antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral properties, it can be used to disinfect and kill germs. 
  • Up next we have Rosemary which is rich in antioxidants and it also improves circulation, flushing out toxins and reducing the appearance of cellulite. Rosemary also encourages cell regeneration which repairs skin and encourages the production of healthy skin while reducing the appearance of spots, wrinkles, bags and puffiness. 
  • Finally, we have Kaolin Clay and again, this is a product that my skin has a love/hate relationship with depending on how it works on the skin. Within this mask, the clay works to gently remove dead skin cells, purify, smooth and soften skin. It also balances both oily and dry skin, absorbing oil and reducing the production of sebum without stripping the skin of its natural oils and works to nourish, sooth and soften dry skin.
I really like the texture of this mask, it is described as being a dense mousse texture, which describes it incredibly well, not too runny but not overly thick that it sticks to everything, think Angel Delight straight from the fridge. 

There are two ways of using this mask and it comes down to personal preference and how much time you have.  If you want something that is a bit of a treat and slightly more intensive, then my favourite way to use this mask is whilst I am lazing in the bath.  Using the accompanying spatula, apply an even layer across the face, avoiding your eyes and leave it on for up to twenty minutes so you can enjoy the decongesting and detoxifying benefits, particularly as the steam from the water takes a hole of the fragrance of Tea Tree Oil.  If time isn't on your side, then you can apply the mask after cleansing and allow it to works its magic for just 5 minutes.  To remove, simply warm up a flannel or cloth and gently remove.

Priced at £28 (here) this mask is an absolute treat if you have oily, congested or dry sluggish skin.

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