
Saturday 2 March 2019

Cattitude Box - for the Crazy Cat Lady

If you are a regular viewer of my Instagram stories then you will be aware that I have three kitties and they are referred too as my furkids, they are spoilt rotten, have the run of the house and want for absolutely nothing.  When I was offered the chance to receive and review the Cattitude Box, which is described as being the 'Subscription Box for Crazy Cat Ladies" there wasn't a chance I was saying no.
Cattitude Box - for the Crazy Cat Lady
Arriving inside this incredible box is a whole host of products for the kitties and the crazy cat lady, something to love and share between us. As soon as mine saw the box they knew there was something inside for them and pretty much clawed at it until I opened it.
Hello Kitty! We’re the cat’s pyjamas of cat gift boxes, treating you and your favourite furry friend to premium, unique cat gifts and lifestyle/home accessories every single month. You can also purchase one time gift box for the cat ladies in your life or yourself!
Each month the box is put together and features an array of products which are all cat themed and it includes everything from cat jewellery to cat home decor for the humans and for the cats there are treats, food and toys.  It is a subscription box and you get to choose whether you want the box monthly or bi-monthly and it is priced at £27.95.  Within each box will be 3-4 items for you and 2-3 items for the fur kids.  Here is what was found within my box.

First up, as I opened the box there is this beautiful card which says "I want to Meow with you forever" and it is actually the contents card.  I love the card so much I actually now have it in a frame on my bookshelf.
Cattitude Box Content Card
 Hiding all of the lovely products is the CatStronauts backpack and on it, there is a grey cat who looks so similar to my parent's cat, I absolutely love it.  Brightly coloured so you absolutely won't miss it, it is described as being for the fierce feline with a taste for an adventure.
CatStronauts Backpack
Space themed, hence the name, it is the perfect backpack for light items that you need to carry around with you.  I used to have something similar for P.E which held my trainers in.

The next two items are for the boys and they are food related.  I try as best as I can to ensure they have a balanced diet and use food that has been advised by the vets because one of my boys has quite a delicate stomach owing to an intestinal disease.
Cat Food
 First up we have Lily's Kitchen Organic Fish Dinner which is made using good quality organic food and as soon as this tin was out of the box, they all got quite excited as Lily's Kitchen food is a definite favourite.

The second item is from Vet's Kitchen and this is something we have just started using for the three of them.  Little Hearts made from the finest Trout and Salmon are super tasty treats and it is a great alternative to other high streets brands.

The final items within the box are jewellery related and as a mad cat lady, I can think of nothing cuter I would want to own.  The first item is the Cat Slogan Necklace and it is comprised of a long gold chain with a cat head pendant.
Cat Slogan Necklace
The card upon which the necklace sits states "Cats represent exploration, mystery and self-discovery.  Wear your necklace as a reminder to strut your independence... You're Purrfect just the way you are.  I love the little statement that comes with the pendant and it is so true, anyone who owns a cat will know that they do like to wander off and often leave you feeling a bit worried as to where they are.  I have had more than my fair share of worry with my three.

The next item is the Puss in Pearl Earrings and these are possibly my favourite item within the box, including the cat shaped card they are fastened too.
Puss in Pearl Earrings
These earrings are faux pearls and they have some cute little cat ears that are clearly visible to see, adding to the cat theme.  Made from Silver, these earrings are the perfect size for my ears, which are fairly small!

The final item of jewellery is the adjustable Kitty Ring and again the attention to detail with this item is quite something.
Adjustable Cat Ring Ears
Adjustable Cat Ring Paws
To the front of the ring you can clearly see two visible cat ears which has you in no doubt what the theme of this box has been, but the best part of this ring for me is the underside. As the ring is adjustable to fit whichever finger you find the rings looks the best on, it is adjusted by expanding the paws and there is so much detail, it is impossible not to love.

Now, this box wouldn't be complete without the final item and that is the Crazy Cat Lady badge. I almost feel as though it is something I should wear as a badge of honour because it is absolutely true. I am a mad cat lady.
Crazy Cat Lady Badge
If I ever won the jackpot on the Lottery or Euromillions, my dream would be to run a cat hotel and within it, as well as my own boys would be unloved and unwanted cats that I could show some love too.  But for that to happen, I obviously need to play the lottery!

This is my very first Cattitude Box and I love the mixture of products that I found inside it.  I love that there was something for my three boys, they are happy they got some food and some treats and of course a box to fight over as to who gets to sleep in it - If it fits, it sits, as the saying goes.  

If you know someone who is a mad Cat lady and struggle for gifts to purchase for them, then this would make quite the gift not just for them, but for their kitties too!  I would love to know what you think!

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