
Friday 4 January 2019

Kate Somerville - Exfolikate

Kate Somerville is a brand I am absolutely loving getting to know right now and if you have yet to use anything from the range then Exfolikate would be one of the first I would recommend. One of the most amazing people I have met, Kate Somerville believes that everyone deserves beautiful skin and promises to guide you there with some amazing products. If you didn't know, Kate has been caring for people’s skin for over 25 years and she opened her iconic skincare clinic in the heart of Hollywood glamour in Los Angeles, where you can find the most cutting-edge skin treatments while feeling right at home.
Kate Somerville - Exfolikate
Kate Somerville - Exfolikate Exfoliator
Known as ‘The Hollywood 2-minute facial’, ExfoliKate is Kate Somerville’s bestselling, dual-action exfoliator which exfoliates and polishes skin, revealing a smooth, healthy-looking, glowing complexion. I hadn't expected the formula to be as bright as green as it is, instead, I expected it to be a creamy colour, so it was a nice surprise when the lid was removed from the tube.  We all know that exfoliating our skin helps to remove dead and dry skin cells, clean out our pores and make, what looks and feels like dull, rough skin much smoother and better at absorbing those creams we all spend so much money on.

Exfolikate uses natural exfoliants to help to deep clean pores, while Fruit Enzymes help to clarify and renew skin, balancing hydration, without over-drying. Ingredients such as:
  • Lactic Acid which is a natural AHA “chemically” exfoliates skin.
  • Silica which is a natural exfoliant works to “physically” exfoliates skin.
  • Papaya, Pineapple, and Pumpkin Enzymes help enhance skin exfoliation.
  • Salicylic Acid helps improve the appearance of pores.
  • Aloe Vera and Honey help to soothe and condition skin.
  • Vitamins A, C and E provide antioxidant benefits.
  • Soy-Lipid replenishes skin’s natural barrier function.
  • Rosewood and Cinnamon extracts combine to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
As advised, I have been using Exfolikate twice a week, both morning and evening with my personal preference using it in the shower so that the steam opens up my pores, giving me the chance to properly clean my skin. To use, you simply apply a thin, even layer to a clean, wet face, massaging in a circular motion for 30 seconds. Leave it on for up to two minutes and then remove using your flannel, muslin cloth or whatever it is you choose to use. Since using this, I haven't suffered from any reaction but it does tingle when being used, so the advice is that if you do have sensitive skin, then only leave on for up to a minute.

Priced at £72 for a 60ml tube, it is on the more expensive side but you more than definitely get what you paid for and you can find Kate Somerville Exfolikate right here at Cult Beauty

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