
Tuesday 25 September 2018

REN Magnesium Booster Body Spray

My favourite range from REN is the Atlantic Kelp and Magnesium range (review here) which brings together a collection of products ranging from bath oils and body scrubs to body washes and hand cream which has the ability to brighten and de-stress skin, boosting vitality and luminosity while calming the mind.
What can we learn from the ocean? A whole lot about skincare. That's why we've harnessed the unique power of Atlantic kelp and magnesium, known for their ability to brighten and de-stress skin, boosting vitality and luminosity while calming the mind. Find our collection of body wash, lotion, bath oils, scrubs and hand cream here, just waiting to take care of your skin.
The product I have been using quite a lot of, by which I mean I love it so much, I have purchased another, is the Magnesium Booster Body Spray. 
REN Magnesium Booster Body Spray
Carefully extracted from the 250 million year old Zechstein sea, the magnesium salts within this body spray help relax the body as well as to purify and restore the mind, body and soul.  It wasn't until I started to use this range that I realised just how amazing Magnesium is, for example:
  • It helps to balance energy levels in our cells ensuring toxin release and fatigue recovery
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties which help soothe irritated skin and promote wound healing
  • It helps relieve joint pain and improves circulation
  • Aids stress relief, relaxation and sleep
Life for me has been quite stressful of late.  I managed to slip and damage the ligaments in my ankle, which has meant wearing an ankle splint and using crutches to get around which hasn't been fun at all and I am not the best patient in the world. Being unable to do things such as have a bath, walk down the stairs, go for a walk, do the shopping and even the housework have all been a struggle.  So products like this from REN are an incredible thing to have.

There are a few ways to use this spray.  The first is to spray over the body liberally after showering, ensuring you massage it into the skin and focus on those aching and tired muscles.  You can also use it before bedtime, literally spraying across the body (and bed) to help prepare you for a restful nights sleep.

You can find this Magnesium Booster Spray for £15 from SpaceNK

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