
Saturday 1 September 2018

Hershey's Flavoured Lip Balms

Utter the word Hersey and I am there like a shot, I mean is there anything better than a Hersey's Reece's Piece? I don't think there is in all honesty and when this little gift set arrived, I was slightly gutted I couldn't eat it but... could this be the next best thing? Has someone managed to invent a product that looks like a Reese's Piece, smells like one and it is something I can use without it being bad for me?
Hershey's Flavoured Lip Balms
Hershey's Flavoured Lip Balms
Inside this package are 4 flavoured lip balms from the Hershey's range and as you can see there is:

  • Reese's Chocolate Peanut Butter Lip Balm - It looks exactly like a Reece's Piece Cup and it smells almost the same. I am not too much of a fan of the texture but I do love the smell and it does make me want to eat chocolate.  As for whether or not it does anything good for my lips I can't say that it does.
  • Hershey's Kisses flavoured Lip Balm - Again, this lip balms has the exact same scent as a Hershey's kisses chocolate.  Again this is a stick balm which means it is easy to apply and once on the lips, of all four flavours available, this one feels the most moisturising.
  • Hershey's Milk CHocolate flavoured Lip Balm - This balm could almost have been the bar of chocolate, the smell is just identical and because it is in a stick form, the application is really easy.
  • Jolly Rancher Watermelon Flavoured Lip Balm - I am obsessed with Watermelon right now and have taken to making my own version of Costa Coffee Watermelon coolers at home quite successfully.  That said, this lip balm has a really sweet scent to it, not one I would associate with a watermelon, but it is pleasant.

I love how cute this set looks and whilst I don't have a price for it, I do think it would make a great gift.  Have you tried any of these balms?

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