
Wednesday 25 July 2018

Tips and tricks to grooming

Beards have been undergoing a revival for the last couple of years, and while they can look stylish when well cared for there will come a time, and heat when the beard has to go. But, how do you banish a lengthy beard while avoiding shaving rash, bumpy irritation and razor burn after months of shunning your shaver? Well I managed to go from this to this and if it is something you are thinking about, want the man in your life to think about or maybe even do...Read on….
Tips and tricks to grooming
Step One
First things first, trying to shave a beard directly off your face when it has some length to it is a no-no. The first step has to be to take the beard right back down to the skin leaving just a stubble. A beard trimmer or electric shaver is ideal for this and you can’t go wrong with a range of models to suit any budget, such as this Blade Shaver from Panasonic.

Step Two 

Before shaving take a warm shower to open up the pores in your face and soften the stubble. By doing this it should make it easier for your razor to cut each hair, giving a closer and more comfortable shave.

Step Three
Gently exfoliate your neck and beard area. By using an exfoliator with beads or grit like grains in a circular motion you can free any ingrown hairs and wash away any grime from the pores. This should leave a smoother surface for the razor to pass over and in theory reduce any cuts.

Step Four
Apply a shaving cream or gel of choice - from my experience, using a low lather gel or cream results in a better shave as the razor glides better over the face and doesn’t clog as much leaving stripes that require further attention.

Step Five
Make sure you have a fresh, sharp razor. There is no point following these steps if you are going to attempt to shave using a razor that has all of the sharpness of a blunt butter knife. The sharper the blade, the fewer passes of the beard area that are required.

Step Six
When shaving don’t press too hard and avoid shaving against the direction of hair growth. Going against the direction of growth results in hairs being cut at differing lengths encourages ingrown hairs and that my readers are the main cause of the redness and itchy feeling.

Step Seven
Rinse off any remaining shaving gel or cream with cold water. Not only does this spank you wide awake but it also serves to close the pores. Using a post-shave balm, cream or serum is a crucial step, it helps to replenish your skin’s natural moisture and keep any skin irritation at bay.

I am lucky that my wife likes the beard, it took a good 7-8months to go from a 5-O'clock shadow to a fully grown beard and having now shaved it off, I do miss it, brushing it became something I did when relaxing, but then I think what I would have had to put up with in this insane heat, travelling on the tube twice a day and realise it was actually a very clever and astute move! To keep up to date with my beard and where it grows, you can find my blog right here.

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