
Saturday 2 June 2018

How to enjoy the sun safely this Summer*

We all love catching a few rays over the summer, although the British weather can make this a real challenge sometimes! Not only does sunbathing help us to get a healthy-looking, bronzed glow, but it is sometimes recommended that we spend 10 to 20 minutes in the sun each day to help our bodies produce the Vitamin D we need to stay healthy.

Although enjoying the sun is one of the best parts of summer, it’s important to do so safely to minimise the risk of any damage to your skin. Find out what steps you can take before, during and after tanning to stay safe in the sun this summer with the infographic below from the team at Vitabiotics Perfectil Plus Protan, the tanning vitamin.
How to enjoy the sun safely this summer

Even more tanning tips!
For even more tanning tips, keep reading to discover how to make the most of the sunshine.

False tan
If you want a glow before you head off on holiday, or you struggle to get a tan regularly, skip the dangerous sunbeds and opt for false tan instead. Gradual self-tan can help you to avoid orange-skin disasters, as can making sure your skin is in good condition by regularly exfoliating and moisturising.

How to tan if you’re pale
If you’re fair-skinned or pale, you may find it challenging to get a tan without jumping straight to getting burned. Being fair-skinned puts you at a higher risk of getting sunburnt, so it’s vital that you choose a high SPF, broad-spectrum sunscreen. Don’t worry - even with a high strength sunscreen, you’ll still be able to develop a tan.

The best way to give yourself a chance of getting the bronzed glow of your dreams is by taking things slowly and gradually building up your tan. Start by spending 20 to 30 minutes at a time in the sun, and building up this time gradually over a number of days or weeks. Take plenty of time away from the sun to give your skin a break, and make sure to keep your skin hydrated and healthy in between sessions. 

If you find that no matter what you do, you just can’t get a tan, it’s probably worth considering stocking up on bronzer and fake tan as an alternative or learning to love the pale look

Going without sunscreen
You may be tempted to skip the sunscreen if you’re looking to build a tan quickly. Although 10 to 20 minutes per day in the sun without sunscreen, with bare arms and legs, is recommended to help vitamin D production, you should not spend further time in the sun without adequate protection. 

Wearing sunscreen does not prevent you from getting a tan, but will prevent you from sunburn or skin damage. Make sure to reapply your sunscreen regularly, especially after a dip in the sea!

If you’re planning on enjoying the sun this summer, whether at home or abroad, make sure to follow these easy tips to stay skin safe.

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