
Thursday 10 May 2018

How a Hotel Spa at Glasglow, Reenergized My Body?

We are four best friends and all are busy with their personal lives. One of us is a banker, one goes to teach, another runs a grocery store and I work at a cafe. We all have been friends for years and very warmly celebrate our weekend to refuel our bodies and souls for the next big week. Recently, near the Easter holidays, we planned to visit Gleddoch hotel and spa, which is an hour’s drive from where we live. The grocery girl, Lauren is a bit tensed as she has always faced problems while trying out something new, but Meagan the banker, is more spendthrift and enjoys life like a princess was the one who organized this trip. 
How a Hotel Spa at Glasglow, Reenergized My Body?

Hi, I am Bethany who works as a cafe assistant. As my job is about customer assistance, I have to take care of every demand of the visitors at my cafe. Some of them are very polite and their meals calmly but some visitors love to create a mess and are unmanageable. But, it’s totally fine as this is part of my job and I have to do it. I love my life, my job and more importantly, I love my gang of girls. We all are still single and have strict future plans. We all love to work, but our busy schedules make it difficult to retain more energy. To release stress, we go to parties, enjoy movies and do other sources of entertainment. 

Well, this is how our life is moving ahead but we all are happy with what we do and how we do. Coming back to business, Meagan told us about the surprise which she had made that weekend. She just mentioned to pack our bags and we are going Glasgow. After reaching the destination in a quick drive in her car, we stopped at a hotel where she had made the bookings with her credit card. Lauren asked, what are we have to do in Glasgow. Meagan replied, wait and watch girls, it's a surprise. 

The room looked like heaven, its exotic ambience took all our stresses at once. Only its vision made is relaxed at that moment. Suddenly, the spa lady gave her quick introduction and as she stopped there was complete silence and then we all screamed with joy that what a nice surprise it was. There were three massage beds in front of us and I felt shy before, but the spa lady made me comfortable enough to have the message. As she, applied her hands on my back, she started explaining the benefits of good spa and how it can help me to remain active and stress-free. 

How a Hotel Spa at Glasgow, made me active and stress-free? 
  • It slows down the rush in the life and allows your body to regenerate the energy
  • You are totally disengaged from the worldly things like work, friends, and family.
  • As she pressed my back, she described, how the spa will help me in improving my blood circulation. She also added that this will send more oxygen to my body and help in grasping more nutrients. 
  • Spa helps in removing the body toxins and regenerates tissues and muscles. 
  • She told about, Yin & Yang, which I don’t have any idea about. But what I got is it offers balance to the human body. 
After the spa, we were given heat treatment and steam to refuel our bodies and everything worked quite well. After this all was done, we feel relaxed and contented with life. This was our very first experience with spa and we miss a lot and remember our trip to Glasgow.

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