
Thursday 8 March 2018

Introducing BLAQ

BLAQ is an Australian skincare brand whose packaging is minimal, not in the slighest bit fancy and tells you all you need to know about the product you are using. Blaq is built on the basis of one core ingredient - Activated Charcoal. 
Introducing BLAQ
Over the past year or so I have read about, seen and tried many products which contain activated charcoal, it has appeared in shampoo, conditioners, masks, eye masks, hair masks, conditoners, toothpaste and even foot creams. My skin either likes it or hates it. I have tried some masks which have really irritated my skin and others which have been simply amazing. My hair loves activated charcoal products and it doesnt dry out or irritate my scalp, which can sometimes be a bit sensitive. All said, I was intrigued to see what Blaq had to offer and this is what they have to say:
our products are formulated to solve your first world skin problems and erase the evidence of late nights, city-living and one too many wines (if there is such a thing), by detoxifying and nurturing your skin back to a healthy state.
The brand started with the Blaq Mask (£14), a face mask which is designed to target toxins and draw out impurities. The downside to living in London is the pollution, smog and everyday use of public transport literally plays havoc with your skin. Some days I come home and just want to scrub my skin raw to just rid it of pollution because I can pretty much feel it sitting there. 
Introducing BLAQ
When using this mask, you are advised to do a patch test first to ensure it will not irritate your skin.  I have had no problems using it at all but it isn't the mask you want to be using a day before an important event/meeting because it can lead to a few break outs. That said my skin has been absolutely fine using it.  After cleansing, you are advised to open your pores using a warm water and a towel/flannel and then apply an even layer to your t-zone areas but avoid the lips, hairline, and brows. Leave the mask to dry which takes between 15 and 20 minutes and then starting at bottom outer edge, slowly peel off the mask in an upward direction. It does have quite an odd sensation as begin to remove it, but it doesn't hurt at any point.  Afterwards my skin feel clean, smooth and soft to the touch.

Also coming from Blaq are the Hydrogel Eye Masks (£22 for a pack of 5) which are very much in keeping with the mask, are designed to to de-puff, detox and make those eye bags no longer visible. I have mentioned before that I suffer with insomnia and it can leave me looking like an absolute wreck with deep dark bags under my eyes. 

Introducing BLAQ
What I love about these eye masks is how they feel. They are rubbery but so incredibly refreshing, the perfect solution for tired, stressed and dark circle looking eyes. The Blaq Hydrogel Eye Masks use activated charcoal to reduce puffiness and detox the delicate, sensitive skin under the eyes. They should be used after cleansing your face and you then apply the eye masks to about 1cm below each eye, then leave on for about 10-15 minutes, during this time, they don't dry or go hard, they simply soothe and refresh and give to chance to have what I call a disco nap, do some pinning on Pinterest or go and like some photos on Instagram. After your time is up, the masks simply peel away from the skin without pulling or tugging and what you will see is that those pesky bags have all bit diminished and you have soft, smooth skin. I like how hydrating these are on my under eye and also that they don't irritate what so ever.

I am looking forward to seeing what else Blaq has to offering in the coming months and they launch here in the UK on April 1st, so look out for further announcements.

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