
Sunday 27 August 2017

Products to help you wind down

It is no secret that I find it hard to settle down and relax, I am a fidget and growing up was constantly accused of having 'ants in my pants'. In fact the only time I am still is when I am asleep, but sometimes that getting to sleep is a problem.
Products to help you wind down
Over the past few months I have been trying to get myself into a routine which involves not spending every waking moment at the computer or on my phone which means no social media at this point and instead doing something else that I enjoy - reading!  For me, reading a book is a joy and something I have loved to do ever since I learnt to read. I use Goodreads to ensure I don't re-read the same books and I like to set myself a yearly challenge to read a certain number of books.  This year my challenge is set at 40 and I have read 15, so I am a little behind my schedule but I have no doubts I will catch up and I like to swap and change between using my Kindle and having an actual paper book in my hands.

Alongside the no social media, phone and computer before bed routine I have an abundance of products which are designed to help you relax and wind down.  There is always the option of a long hot soak, though for me that tends to be a pampering treat once a week where I get an hour or two to myself to facemask, hair mask and just lounge in some bubbles and I prefer not to do that before going to bed.  So instead I am using the following:

Spacemasks are an item which excited me as soon as I saw them. The whole concept is just brilliant. Spacemasks are to all intents and purposes an eye mask that warms and alleviates strain on your eyes. Packaged inside a star patterned foil, once opened the natural air around us activates the cotton mask almost immediately to gently heat it up, once on, you are told you have that relaxing heat for around 15 minutes, though in reality it is more likely to be between 20-25 minutes, at which point the days stresses and tensions have long gone and all you want to do is turn over and fall asleep. 
Products to help you wind down
I love how soft and smooth Spacemasks feel when it is on my face over my eyes, not itchy or scratchy in the slightest and thankfully, the earloops helps to keep the mask in place so that you don't have to lay in one spot for what seems like an age, so you lay on your side without it falling off your face. The heat is warm enough so that you know the mask is there, but it isn't hot and won't burn the skin. The relaxing scent of jasmine works wonders for the stress and tension and as well as using mine before bed, they would be perfect for using on a flight or even for a disco nap at your desk to block everyone and everything out. 

Alongside my Spacemask comes Mio, a brand I absolutely love for their Liquid Yoga. Since I always have a bottle in the bathroom for times of stress, I was overjoyed to find a Space Spray and a candle in the very same scent in TX Maxx and quickly grabbed them both. The Mio Skincare Liquid Yoga Candle uses the soothing natural essences of Lavender and Mint which together are incredibly relaxing but bring with them a beautiful fresh scent and in the form of a candle, relaxation is by far and away its biggest asset.  
Products to help you wind down
Products to help you wind down
Add  to that a few spritzs of the Space Spray which can be used on your pulse points, pillow, yoga mat, in the car or office and it can also help promote natural deep sleep and ease tension that causes headaches.  It uses a whole host of ingredients such as Lavandin, Chamomile, Cypress and Mandarin to help calm, quieten, de-stress and re-balance.  I find it helps to spray in my bedroom around half an hour before going to bed, or getting in to bed and it works wonders.

I would love to know if you have any kind of routine which helps you wind down and relax?


*this post contains PR samples unless indicated otherwise