Saturday, 20 May 2017

How moisturising your skin can prevent ageing

Have you ever looked at a mirror, saw your reflection and felt surprised at how you look? You might be one of those individuals who wishes that he or she could look ten years younger than their actual age. While some may be blessed with genes that allow them to pass off as younger than, the truth is you really cannot stop your skin from ageing. 

How moisturising your skin can prevent ageing
By the time you turn 30 (earlier for some), there is a big possibility that your skin will change its appearance. Aside from the fact that your skin, like any part of your body, will naturally age, there are also habits that we do that can contribute to our skin ageing. 

Are you one of those individuals who skips putting on sunscreen each day? Then you should know that not putting that on is one of the biggest reasons why your skin is ageing. The sun’s rays are very harsh for the skin and just might be the number one cause of ageing skin. And don’t think that you can skip it just because you see that it seems like it would be a cloudy or rainy day. Or maybe you feel like you don’t need it as you are cooped up inside your office all day. If you are staying near a window, the sun’s rays will still reach you. 

You need to make it a habit that you incorporate putting on sunscreen as a daily habit before you get out of the house or before you start doing your chores for the day. Doctors suggest that you need to get a sunscreen that has at least 30 SPF to ensure that you are protected from the sun. 

It’s also important to drink plenty of water and eat the right kind of food. Many might be forgetting that the largest organ in the body is the skin. In the same way that your diet affects other body parts, then you should know that the food you intake also affects how your skin looks. Drinking at least a litre a day and eating plenty of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids can be of great help if you are aiming for younger-looking skin. 

Aside from what you put in your body, another equally important thing to focus on is what you put on your skin. There is something you can include in your skincare routine that is simple enough but is sure to show amazing results. Studies show that having well-hydrated skin prevents wrinkles. 

This means that you need to diligently moisturise your skin every day. When you moisturise your skin, the water content is trapped thereby keeping your skin hydrated. One of the moisturisers you can try is castor oil. Its properties are not only for improving the fine lines and wrinkles in your face, but it can even reduce the visibility of your scars. 

There are many companies selling castor oil, so here is a list of the best castor oil brands for you to choose from. Check out the site as it not only lists the brands but even gives the benefits of castor oil not only for the skin but your hair and nails as well. 

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