
Wednesday 4 January 2017

Silidyn - For strong bones, hair, skin and nails

When the opportunity to do this trail with Silidyn and 30+ bloggers came up, I did hesitate because I am not great with taking any supplements of any kind, I managed for about 5 days and then forget only to remember a few months later. So I decided that as we enter a new year, I would give it a try, I have reminders set in my phone (yes really) and I am almost a week into the trial and it is still going strong.
Silidyn -  For strong bones, hair, skin and nails
Silidyn -  For strong bones, hair, skin and nails
Adding silicon into our diets can help to restore skin and nails as well as improve hair growth and strength and this is where Silidyn comes into play. If you have noticed that your skin or hair is losing strength and elasticity, or your nails have become brittle and fragile, it could be that you are deficient in silicon and are in need a daily boost. Until recently the absorption of silicon was unstable and not readily available in a format which was easy to take, which worked and was easy to absorb, it is now. 

Silidyn has a whole host of ingredients such as

  • MSM: Known as Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane ithelps to keep connective tissue between joints supple
  • Zinc: supports the immune system as well as the skin’s regenerative strength
  • Boron: an important building block of bone tissue
  • OPC: Or Oligomeric Proantho -cyanidins as you might be more familiar with, is from maritime pine extract, helps to protect cells and tissues against ageing
  • Manganese: helps in the maintenance of connective tissue
  • Selenium: plays an important role in the protection of free radical
With over 10 million people in the UK living with arthritis, 3 million who are estimated to have osteoporosis, low levels of silicon have been found to be a contributing factor to many bone conditions. Silidyn has been developed to support the effective maintenance of bones, tendons, ligaments and cartilage as well as playing a vital role in the stimulation of keratin and collagen, essential for healthy looking hair, skin and nails as we age. 

Now I had fully expected this product to taste absolutely vile, they usually do and it is a contributing factor as to why I put off continuing to use something. So I was quite pleasantly surprised to find that this is actually a tasteless liquid supplement. To use it is advised that you add 10 drops daily, preferably before breakfast in half a glass (125ml) of water or juice and drink immediately.  So once the drops are in your juice, I stir it and then down it in one and you cannot taste a single thing and it doesn't alter the taste at all. So far so good as far as this goes and given I keep the bottle next to my kettle, it is pretty hard to ignore in a morning anyway when one of the first things I do is brew up for the mister!

As I type this my nails had been really quite brittle to the point where nail polish didn't even hide where the peeling starts and ends, they break constantly and split down the sides, so once this trial is up, I am looking forward to seeing the end result!

Have you ever successfully taken a supplement and noticed any difference?

*this post contains PR samples unless indicated otherwise