
Thursday 26 January 2017

Dermalogica Skincare with ASOS

New Year New Start and all that stuff... well I believe we have enough stress and pressure in life without adding to it with a long list of I will and I won't style commitments. But I do believe you need a good skincare regime that works for you and if this is one of the commitments you haven't yet made or have made but haven't got around to it just yet, then Dermalogica have everything you need and you can get it all from ASOS.
Dermalogica Skincare with ASOS
Dermalogica Foaming Wash - This foaming wash decreases the sign of clogged pores and breakouts with the help of its key ingredients Tea Tree, Lavender and Camellia. It also works to clear away dead skin cells, dirt and excess oils helping to clear the skin. I love a good foaming wash and I love how refreshed my skin feels after using. 
Dermalogica Skincare with ASOS
I am not usually a fan of products with Tea Tree in them, they are too clinical smelling for me, but within this facial wash it is just noticeable and isn't too much that your eyes water. Gentle on the skin and priced at just £13.10 (here) it is a great product that you can use as often as you feel you need too.

Dermalogica Breakout Clearing All Over Toner -This described as being 'a unique mist-all-over purifying toner' and it works to control excess oils and helps eliminate breakouts on the face and body. Refreshing extracts of Lavender, Witch Hazel and Licorice Root Extract to name a few, help cool and revive skin. 
Dermalogica Skincare with ASOS
To use, you simply spritz over your face with your eyes closed and leave to absorb. I am a huge fan of facial sprays and I have never quite got round to using a toner as part of my routine, with this I have and I love it. Priced at just £13.10 (here) it is a great product to have.

Dermalogica Breakout Clearing Overnight Treatment - Wake up to clearer skin! This invisible treatment absorbs quickly then works all night to fight breakouts and reduce redness.  Using Tea Tree, Camellia extract and Lavender to name a few of the ingredients. 
Dermalogica Skincare with ASOS
To use you simply apply after cleansing and toning, pat a thin layer of the cream onto your skin and allow it to absorb, which it does really quickly. Then leave it on overnight and wash off in the morning.  Having used this several times now, the cream is quite light and a little goes a long way, it does feel sticky on the skin until it has completely absorbed and it doesn't leave a trace on your pillows.  Once it has been washed off, I noticed that my skin was incredibly smooth to the touch. For me, this is a product I would use when blemishes appear or when your skin is threatening a break out, every now and again I do feel the beginning of the odd pimple under the skin and priced at £13.10 (here) it isn't overpriced.

Dermalogica Breakout Clearing Cooling Masque - Designed to cool down inflammation and reduce the redness of irritated skin. On the skin, this mask, when applied instantly gives that cooing sensation which I find quite soothing. With ingredients such as camphor which feels tingly and cooling on the skin and has a menthol scent which you immediately notice upon application. Thyme acts as an antibacterial agent and as well as being great for oily skin, it is also said to be great for conditions such as acne. Liquorice is an ingredient that appears in quite a lot of skincare and it works to brighten the skin fade blemishes and it has antioxidants which help to protect against free radicals. Lavender and Aloe Vera are also ingredients. 

Dermalogica Skincare with ASOS

This mask has a gel texture and has quite a thin consistency so you only need a small amount to cover your face. It glides easily over the face and neck and quite quickly absorbs so that only a very thin, tacky-like film is left on the skin until the mask is rinsed off. The mask is to be left on the skin for up to ten minutes before being washed off and it does leave your skin feeling soothed, smoothed and refreshing clean. Priced at £16.15 (here) this is a little gem of a find.

If you haven't yet found a skincare routine that works for you, then these products from Dermalogica are not going to break the bank.

*this post contains PR samples unless indicated otherwise